Best 22 Rifle


New member
I consider the Ruger 10/22 the best 22 rifle because it is affordable, reliable, and generally accurate.

What's your favor? and why?

Te Anau

New member
As a line,Savage is best in my opinion.They fit more shooters,are generally smoother shooting and more accurate.Their price is just an added bonus. :)


New member
Thompson Center R55. Told my wife I wanted one for Christmas as it was different than everyone's Ruger 10/22 (not a knock - just like the unusual) and was hailed as just stellar. What she heard was Wompa wompa.... Ruger 10-22....wompa wompa and that is what she bought me.


New member
Here we go again!

There is no BEST .22LR firearm, either rifle or pistol. There are some that are better and some worse for every particular use. Your 10-22 isn't the best benchrest rifle, or the most accurate sporter, or the lightest or the heaviest.

It's a darned good compromise rifle that people can keep as-is, or make into whatever they want a semi-auto rifle to be. It's the best for that, just because there are so many after-market products out there.

It may be the BEST rifle for this time. Everyone should have one, some should have more than one, but I wouldn't be happy without my Rem 504 bolt action, or my Winchester 69A, or my Rem 521T, or my Winchester 52C, or_____, or _____, or______ etc.

Get the picture?



New member

hey man, don't gotta be so harsh...I am just trying to learn from what people are saying...:eek:

it's a learning process, right?:confused:
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New member
Joh56usa- re-read, don't think he is being harsh. Just semed that way. He is agreeing with you actually. You said the 10-22 was best, meaning for your criteria - and you gave great reasons. Each 'best' has it own particular niche it might be best at be that varminting, plinking, accuracy, whatever... - I think that is his point. On a similar vein, a best 22 for someone else might be a rusty single shot a departed grandpa left him. CZ makes a dang fine one and the high dollar Valquartzen are the ones some will point to I am sure. Hey straight from their website "Nobody, but nobody, makes better crafted or higher quality custom rimfire rifles than Volquartsen Custom" so there ya go I guess. Couldn't say it if it wasn't true- eh? Who cares- I still want a Thompson.


New member
Words have meaning, "best" may fit a lot of things but 10/22 as best rifle isn't one of them, no matter how you parse the meaning.


New member
ok, now that IS harsh. Lets not be snobby. No gun ever made can give a kid a better time than a Ruger 10-22 around a mess of tin cans.

Red Tornado

New member
The only superlative that definitely applies to the 10/22 is Most customizable. However, you could make an argument for "best value". I wouldn't, but you could, and defend it fairly easily.

Even if you defined a very narrow, specific purpose and tried to define the best rifle for that, you still couldn't reach a consensus. At least not on an internet forum. :D


New member
"The Best .22)?

Well, I have a Marlin 39A that is a pretty nice .22 rifle.

But my Ruger 77 bolt action .22 (rotary clip) and Leupold 4x rimfire scope will put your lights out. It is extremely accurate and very dependable. Shoots all type of .22 bullets well. Price is reasonable too.


New member
Picher: Here we go again! + 1

I have to agree as we see so many posts about which or what is better. I usually do not reply to them as pretty much agree with all the firearms that are listed. All of my .22's are capable of shooting better than I can. It's easier and more helpful to list the ones you would not buy. I somtimes think that people post these because in their hearts, they really know what is better but don't want to pay the price. Perhaps it's best to list performance and my definition of that is; "What meets or exceeds your expectations".

I never tell a man what to do with his money or his wife .... ;)

Be Safe !!!!


New member
The Ruger 77/22 is the best 22 rifle I have. But the old Remington scoremaster has done the most damage to varmints. The grandkids and I love the 10/22 for plinking.. But the "Best" 22 rilfe…..I am not sure, I have not shoot all of them,,,,yet.


New member
The 10/22 is a great gun. But so are the Savages, Marlins, Remingtons, etc. Head over to RimfireCentral and CZ has a great following. My personal favorite is an older Remington 541T. "Best" one in my safe, because it has classic beauty and is very accurate. Love my customized 10/22, but if I could only keep one .22 rifle, it would be the Remington.


New member
Words have meaning, "best" may fit a lot of things but 10/22 as best rifle isn't one of them, no matter how you parse the meaning.

LOL. Yeah, the 10/22 is the Honda Civic of the rifle world. You can dress them up a million different ways, make them look nifty and try to fit in with just about any circle but in the end all you have is a dressed up 10/22. That's just me though.

My vote for best .22 is the Mossberg 146B. To me that is about as good as it gets. I daresay others will disagree with me.


New member
I've got a fetish for accuracy. Perhaps my profession is part of the root cause. In any case, I've got a 10/22 with $130 in mods that shoots sub half inch groups at 50 yards. Makes me happy. At to that the inherent fun involved in a semi auto and it's a great rifle. I'd say the 10/22 could be called "one of" the all around best 22's when all is said and done.

Most accurate 22's? Anschutz, CZ, and Savage.

Brad Clodfelter

New member
Picher said it best.

I think the best is really just an opinion from who you ask. :D

My best may be your worst.

For target shooting, I'm partial to a Suhl 150. For hunting, I would say it's hard to top a Rem 541S or T model or a Annie sporter. Some swear by their CZ rifles.
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my favorite :D

maybe not the most practical.. unless you already have the ar15, but it's been %100 reliable, decently accurate, and by far the funnest rifle setup i've ever shot.

it's been the perfect "tacticool" ground squirrel popper

the kit was only $200 and worth every penny


New member

The 10/22 is a classic rifle. No denying that. All, ALL, the others mentioned are fine shooters.
Using an unqualified superlative ("best") in a poll - a very common problem - is always going to produce generally unsatisfactory results. "Best" demands a comparison of all items in the group. In order to get an accurate answer to "what is the best .22 rifle?", a really accurate answer, a responder would have to have experience with EVERY .22 rifle made.
Any kind of qualification makes the job easier. A good one for this poll might be "what is the best .22 rifle that you have ever shot?" or some such.
I apologize for being preachy but there are so many of these very general questions.

Scott A.

New member
it's a matter of opinion

I have to agree with some of the other members, it's what works best for you. The Ruger 10/22 is very popular for all the great reasons stated here but it's not for me. Personally I like Marlins line of rifles and was given a model 60 when I was a kid almost 20 years ago. My model 60 has been very reliable with all kinds of ammunition, even the cheapest, and the rifle is very accurate. I feel like the model 60 is also a good value. Like the tube magazine to. They may not have all the options for customizing that other rifles have but I'm not really in to that. Mine is just like it was when it came out of the box and that's just the way I like it.
As far as favorites go though I have a tie, my model 60 and my Savage model 72. The 72 is a drop block single shot with an octagon barrel and it's dead on accurate. The reason I love it the most though is because my dad gave it to me and I'll give it to my son when he's a little older, it's a great feeling to give a gun to the third generation. :)
also like to try the Marlin 39A :D who am I kidding I'd like to try em all. :D:D

ps is it correct to call the 72 a drop block or a rolling block? I've heard it called both.


New member
"Best" implies there is nothing better, word means "top of the line", or "finest offered"......calling the 10/22 the best .22 rifle doesn't fit. Not denigrating the 10/22, I own several and like them.