Best 1911 magazine (the kind that holds ammo, not to read)


New member
I was shocked when I fired up the 'ol faithful TFL seach function and found no thread about 1911 magazines! I'm starting one for two reasons: 1) I think most would agree there is a big difference in quality from one magazine to another, thus we should create a resource for all us 1911 rookies to learn from, and 2) I just purchased my first 1911 and I don't want to waste my money on junk mags that won't work well or last. I got an Auto Ordnance. I read here on TFL as well as other forums that the Auto Ordnance 1911 is a good solid, accurate, reliable gun, but the factory mags leave quite a bit to be desired. (Specifically FTF jams are frequent when trying to run HPs)

Therefore, I would very much appreciate any knowledge and/or experience anyone can offer on the subject. What mags have worked best for you? What mags were garbage?



New member
I find Wilson Combat ETM and 47D good enough for my use. Are they the best? Probably not, but for $30 I'm not complaining. They work, they're smooth and easy to load by hand, and they're pretty.


New member
I agree that the Wilson Combats are good. I also really like the Chip McCormick magazines.

Both the 8 and 10 round McCormicks and Wilsons are excellent.

Some disagree with me, but I find the Checkmate magazines to also be just fine.

The McCormicks, Wilsons, and Checkmates all appear to be better-built than the original 7 round Colt magazines.
Tripp Research Cobra mags and Chip McCormick Power Mags would be the top of my list. The anti-tilt follower of the Cobra mags is a big plus and these mags have ran in guns that would not run on any other brand of magazine. A popular combination is using a Chip McCormick Power mag body and spring with a Tripp Research follower.


Top 1911a1 .45acp pistol magazines...

I honestly don't know what the forum member means about no 1911 series magazine topics here.
I recall reading about 3/4 in the last 6 weeks or so.

As posted again & again, most semi auto pistol owners & armed professionals prefer the Wilson Combat 1911a1 magazines.
I also heard the Kimber, Tripp & Chip McCormick brands do very well too but for regular carry or duty use, I'd buy a few Wilson 1911 mags.



New member
The ones which work in your 1911 are the best..... :eek:

I like Chip McCormick Powermags, Metalform, Wilson, Tripp (expensive...) & Checkmate...

These days so many people are making 1911s that do not conform to the JMB spec you need to "test" any given 1911 with XXXX mags to determine which ones work. Once you know which ones work in your 1911 use them exclusively rinse and repeat.


New member
Metalform's. Neither of my Springfield 45's would run reliably on Wilson's.They run like tops on Metalform's.


New member
The ones which work in your 1911 are the best.....


I used the factory mags for my SA Milspec (Metalforms) and bought two more in stainless also marked as SA factory mags (really are metal forms).
They have functioned 100% so far.

I also use the SA and Sig factory mags on my Sig 1911 Nitron. Was able to get a few more in exchange for the laser that came with the package. I don't know who makes them but they have done their job.

I use the factory mags and the Sig mags on my new SR1911. The 7 rd one looks like Metalform and the 8 rd one looks exactly like the Sig mags. They have low round counts but they work out the box.

Seems like eventually they will wear out at some point. When they do, I will either just replace the springs on the ones I can and buy new ones for the one I can't.


New member
I'm also a fan of Chip McCormick mags. I've heard a lot of good reports of the Tripp magazines and I'd like to try one of them out. Anybody know of a good place to buy them and how much one should expect to pay for one? I hear that they're pretty pricey.