
New member
I am wanting a reliable .380 for when the Glock27 is not an option. I have narrowed it down to the Bersa Thunder or the Kel Tec. Which would you choose? ;) Thanks.


New member
For a pocket gun the Kel Tec is great. However, they need lots of attention. They must be kept clean and lubed and you must keep an eye on the springs. Mainly magazine springs. I've had them fail on me. They can also be very picky as to the self defense ammo you use. I carry one as a back up. Not a primary.


New member

As a guy who has carried both Bersa and Kel-Tec, I would say get a Bersa. My Kel-Tecs would jam when they got the least bit dirty. Read my range report on this forum on the Thunder .380 CC


New member
My Bersa was a real disapointment; poor fit and finish quality and numerous FTF and FTE. On the other hand my Kel-Tec P3AT has been flawless and it is my primary CC when I can't carry my Ruger P97DC. For easy concealment and reliability the P3AT is very hard to beat.


New member
Have 'em

I have both, shoot both, carry both, like both. Never had a problem with either.

Bersa, in my opinion, is a much better gun - albeit larger and heavier. If I had to keep only one of these two, it would be the Bersa. For IWB/OWB carry this is the better of the two for me.

BUT, the KelTec (P3AT) is, again in my opinion, one of the better pocket carry guns, and likely the best for the money (i.e. Kahr, etc. may be be "better", but at a much higher price). My P3AT has never had an FTF, FTE, or malfunction. I plan to buy a KelTec PF9 soon.

Have 'em both, gonna keep both of 'em. Pick one or both, you'll be OK.


New member

I just posted this on another thread, . . . but it fits so well here, . . . there are a few folks who will bad mouth the Bersa Thunder .380, . . . but I suspect that very few of them actually own one.

All the ammo I have offered mine worked flawlessly (I've had it for a little over a year, . . . unknown # of rounds, . . . several boxes at least) and I never got a stove pipe or FTF.

The accuracy is better than I can usually shoot, . . . but on a good day, . . . I can put 7 in a 3 in circle at 21 feet.

The only downside is that the spare mags (from Bersa) are $35 ea, . . .

I throw it in my jeans front pocket, coat pocket, vest pocket, IWB holster, and it just nestles down like it owns the place. In short, . . . I like it.

Can't comment on Keltec, . . . never owned/shot one.

May God bless,


New member
great thread for budget minded shooters. I am looking also for a 380 to replace my colt mustang. LUV the mustang but feel it should be locked-up in a safe now. I've handled & shot keltec's 380 and don't like it. never shot a bersa and can't find one to handle(or shoot).. may buy a small-frame revolver since even a cheap one is reliable. not starting a wheel-gun debate:eek:


New member
Thanks for all the great replys. Sanson; I too have a Colt Pony Pocketlite that I'm retiring to the safe. They are worth a little now and the availability of parts is a concern. I have always liked the .380 :cool: as a BUG or primary when a bigger gun is not practical. PS, a good wheelgun is always nice. :D


New member
I have a P3AT. I had a Bersa. The problem with the Bersa at my house is that since the Bersa is a blow back action, my wife could not rack the slide. She has arthritis. A blow back action has a much stronger recoil spring to hold the action closed for the required amount of time. The Kel-Tec is much easier for her to activate. That is also why her carry weapon is a Taurus PT-111.
This might be appropriate for someone with weaker hands


New member
I just put an order on the Bersa Thunder 380 CC nickel model. Like you, after reading so many inputs on the kel tec and bersa, I decided on the Bersa. I say both guns are comparible. People have there own problems with the two, whether it is FTE or FTF. However, looks likes more people say that the kel tec is picky on ammo and the bersa is not. I don't want to having to run around to couple of store looking for the correct ammo. If you want to go for the kel tec. I will post range report soon when I get the bersa to the range.


New member
I have never touched the KelTec, but I have had the Thunder 380 for about 4 or so years. I have had absolutely no issues with it whatsoever and would certainly recommend it. I just saw the post above, but I was going to mention the new CC model that is out. Appears to be a nice new edition to the Bersa line. While they might not have the biggest name in the industry and certainly do not have the high prices either....I have had nothing but good luck with the T380 and the T45.

Dave R

New member
I own a P-3AT and have shot a buddy's Bersa several times. To me, its apples and oranges.

The P-3AT is a pocket pistol. The Bersa is a holster pistol (unless you have BIG pockets.) The Bersa is more pleasant to shoot. The 3AT will go where a wallet goes. The Bersa (for me) is easier to shoot accurately. That said, I can now, after some practice, make the 3AT put holes where I want them.

I would get the 3AT if you want a pocket pistol. Otherwise, I'd get the Bersa.