Bersa Thunder .380 VS Keltec .380


New member
I know the Bersa Thunder is a good buy for the money but is the Keltec a better buy . One good point for the Keltec is it is lighter.

michael t

New member
Bersa is larger and weights more It has a DA/SA trigger and works every time you pull the trigger. Mine has never had a malfucation.
Kel Tec smaller and lighter long DA trigger no sights to speak of and do to smaller size 380 is going to have less power. Have to question their QC because of number of people that return for repair .
The last Kel Tec I looked at at friend bought its been back to factory 2 times He has no faith in it for carry. The P-32 seems to work a lot better.
Buy the Bersa :)


New member
I just got a Bersa 380 for the wife.....she thought it was cute and she has a hard time shooting my 9mm Ruger. What a great little gun. I'm just an average marksman. I took my first shot to check the sights and found they were right on the money. I then shot my first 15 yard 3 shot group and checked the target...and saw a one inch group. Fired a second 3 round group and had three small holes all connected.

What a great addition to our collection, can't do better for a summer time carry weapon.


Te Anau

New member
The Bersa's quite a bit bigger and heavier.They will also shoot quite differently.Its a toss up but id go for the Kel-Tec.


New member
I own a Bersa Thunder .380 , at first I got it because of its low price, I took it to the range and couldnt believe its performance, and after doing an internet search for reviews on it everyone who tested it had only good things to say about it, even over those costing much more. In my opinion its better then most 380s at "any" price. Now I could afford a more expensive one if I wanted, but as far as Im concerned I already have the best 380 (my Bersa).

Now my money's going towards a new Sig P229, But Im still going to keep my Bersa because its fun to shoot and works great when I cant carry my larger guns.

Dallas Jack

New member
I've had a Bersa .380 and a Kel Tec P-3AT. Still have the Kel Tec. The Bersa was more comfortable to shoot and a little more accurate. The Kel Tec was a little harder to shoot well but nothing a little practice didn't fix.

The size and weight difference was the deciding factor for me. I also liked the idea that the Kel Tec was a locked breech instead of blowback action.

My use for the Kel Tec is CCW and it fills that roll better than the larger and heavier Bersa.

PS: Also have a Colt .380 Mustang. I prefer the either the Bersa or the Kel Tec over the Colt.
I had a Bersa .380 that would make a metallic rattling noise on every shot, and the magazine was loose in the mag well too. I shot another guy's Bersa and it jammed one out of every 10 or so rounds. I then got a Russian Makarov in .380, have since several thousand rounds through it, using different brands of ammo, NO PROBLEMS, and it's dead on accurate. Just my .02.


New member

I have a Bersa .380 and love it. Took it to the range on Sat and shot 100 rounds through it with NO problems. I feel they are nice guns and very accurate for the size and money. Keltec's are nice guns, I am not a fan of the trigger. Keltecs are smaller so one would have to ask "Does Size Matter?"

J 92 Brigadier

New member
The Bersa Thunder looks like a well made gun. But, 23 oz is way too heavy for my pocket carry. My Kel-Tec is about 6.5 oz and very comfortable either front or back pocket. The Kel-Tec is no fun to shoot, but mine feeds without problems and is good for close encounters, so I am confident it will work if I need it. If I were to carry heavy, I'd go for a 9mm or larger.


New member
I can't speak on the Bersa, never shot one. The Kel-Tec, however, I have experience with. The P-3AT is outstanding as a BUG or "last chance" carry weapon. They don't all shoot 100% out of the box, but with a little TLC and break in they're outstanding. Loaded, these things don't weigh but 11 ounces. The biggest issue regarding them in my mind is the viability of .380 caliber as a self-defense round. If you're good with using .380 ammo the KT deserves a look. If you absolutely.....positively need/want to carry and can't seem to make anything in the safe work, the P-3AT is a "go to" possibility. In a pocket holster they print about as badly as a pack of cigarettes.
