Bersa Thunder .380 CC range report


New member
I finally shot my Bersa! I don't have any pictures, so I'll write it the best I can. I brought an assortment of .380 JHP and ball ammo with me. Remington 88 grain JHP, Winchester FMJ 95 grain and 95 grain Fiochi JHP. The Bersa ate up and spit out the Remington without even burping!! The Fiochi had trouble loading unless I kept the slide back and loaded the chamber by inserting the magazine and releasing the slide. If I tried to chamber a round by working the slide by hand, a fail to feed would occur. The Remington ammo did not malfunction once. Toward the end of my session after close to 150 rounds, the Winchester ammo had one jam. The Bersa Thunder CC felt comfortable in my hand, the double action trigger was smooth with a clean break. The single action mode broke crisp without any effort. Accuracy- the first round fired double action would hit nearly center of target, while the follow up single action shots were high to the right. This piece would have no trouble putting all rounds into center mass. The capacity is more than enough, 8 in the magazine plus 1 in the pipe. Bersa's been making this pistol for years, for the Concealed Carry version, Bersa engineers smoothed the piece out very well. Gone are large, high viz sights along with the web tang of the Thunder model. The CC version comes with low profile sights that won't snag in your pocket. Speaking of pockets, I carry this piece in a Galco Pocket Protector. It works just fine. I would recommend the Bersa Thunder CC for anyone thinking of getting a .380 .