Bersa prices


New member
After researching all the good things people had to say about the Bersa Thunder, I started looking around...

Local dealer (Tampa Bay Area, FL) prices run from $239 to $269 for the duo-tone model.

That is a lot higher than prices I have seen here... Has the price gone up because of all the good press or are these just high?

As a general rule, am I better to wait and buy at a gun show?



New member
Around here (Maryland) one dealer has the two tone for $214 and the other models go for $225-230. The other shops who carry them (everyone all of a sudden) seem to run $250-275 around here (one is trying to sell their rental Bersa, an all nickel model, for $250). You can get one for just a little over $200 on

I don't know if you'll do better at a gun show. The advantage is that you'll have tons of dealers there you can check out and some may have better prices (and a better selection) than your more local stores. Unfortunately, many dealers seem to price their guns higher for a gun show (though with all the competition around it may be easier for someone that knows real market value to negotiate a good deal).

I got mine at the more reasonable local shop and it may be the best $214 I ever spent. After some initial (first 200 rounds or so), break in issues, it has been a great gun.


New member
If i only knew then what I know now

Being a fool, I walked away from an opportunity to pick up a previously owned, like new in box duo-tone Bersa thunder .380 at a local gunstore for $125.00...

I was saving up for my P99 in 9mm at the time so I told him I would wait a week and then come back to get it when I had more funds. The owner said it would be long gone by then....... He was right...:( :( :(

Shoulda put a deposit down dangit.......


New member
I've seen really good Bersa prices at Gunshows. I picked up my all blued one for $169 + tax at one about a month ago.


New member
I'ld check around for the best price,i paid $214.00 including tax for a thunder 380 with 4 mags that looked new.Also look for the firestorm 380,it's made by bersa also.