Bersa .380 Trigger weirdness...


New member
Hey all,

When I pull the trigger, it almost seems...staged. A slight pull and there is a "click", and the hammer moves a little back and locks into a position. Then, a slightly heavier pull and it pulls as normal. Now, it doesn't make you do the slight pull to fire, so if I just use a lot of pull at first I can feel the first "stage" click and the full click and it fires normally...but I am wondering what this is?


New member
Should I maybe take it into gander mountain? I think its got a year warranty there..I don't remember it always doing that. Maybe I'll go fire off a mag or two and see if everything is going alright there first.


New member
That is the way the trigger action on the Bersa works. My Bersa does the exact same thing. I think it's a half-cock safety of sorts. The trigger on my Beretta 92FS works the same way, too. Once you start the trigger pull the hammer won't come to rest on the firing pin until you've pulled it all the way to trip the sear. I haven't read anywhere about it, but I'm guessing that the assumption is that if you release the trigger before pulling it all the way to the fire point, your finger must have slipped, or something has interfered with your act of firing, so the hammer will catch at the half-cock position before the hammer drop causes unintentional firing.


New member
BTW.. You will only notice this when doing a double action trigger pull, after you've decocked the pistol. Racking the first round and subsequent firing puts the hammer in its fully cocked position and the trigger into it's single action mode, well past that half-cocked point.