Berry's Bullets


New member
What is the difference between a 9mm, 100 grain, round nose flat bottom bullet and a 9mm, 100 grain, round nose, hollow base bullet, other than one is flat and the other is hollow? Is there an advantage to the hollow base?


New member
As Colorado Redneck stated, the hollow base tends to obturate and form a tighter seal.

It also has the advantage of being a longer bullet, so it has more surface contacting the barrel - which bodes well for accuracy.

Like everything in life, there's a trade-off: Hollow base bullets don't like to be driven too hard. The base can over-obturate and cause barrel damage (rare) and accuracy problems.

The bullet is plated, so you shouldn't over-drive them anyway. If you find the right load recipe, I think you'll be pleased with them.