Berreta M92F SS ???


New member
I am thinking of buying the Beretta 92FS In SS, 10 round clip 4-7/8 Inch barrel. I think I fell in love and it looks like one H#ll of a shooter.
Any Input on this gun pro's and con's would be much Appreciated !! :D

Tony Z

also for gun accessorys.


New member
(p)Exceptionally durable.

(p)Plenty of high-cap magazines available.

(p)Lots of accessories.

(c)looooong DA trigger pull and slightly long SA disconnector reset.

Overall a great service weapon, especially the Italian made ones.


GOA, TSRA, LEAA, NRA, SAF and I vote!


While we're on this topic, what about the 96 model in SS? Does anyone know if the compact version is available? The Beretta home page has been completely redone and it looks awful with very little info on it.
Share what you know, learn what you don't -- FUD


New member
I bought a US made version less than a year ago. I have yet to have a single malfunction in over 1000 rounds, but the accuracy was definitely not up to par with the other sigs, glocks, and HKs that I own. The gun shoots low left, a problem that has been reported on various Beretta boards, but the group size is several inches at 15 yards. The biggest problem is that the barrel does not lock up tightly in front, so you can wiggle the barrel a few millimeters in every direction. I finally wound up installing a bushing (not a Beretta product, invalidating the warrantee) to get it to shoot accurately. Others who own this gun claim that it shoots very well, so quality control may be an issue. If there is any way to shoot the particular gun you want to buy, it would be worth doing.


New member
I’ve had mine for about 3 months and have put about 2000 rounds through it. I had about 5 failures to feed, all of which were caused by a bad factory magazine. I haven’t used the magazine since I noticed the problem, and have had about 1500 consecutive rounds fired without a problem.


The gun is easy to disassemble and clean
There are a fair number of unofficial Beretta web sites to find help and information
Availability of high capacity magazines
I hear customer support it good


The grip may be too wide for some


New member
Any comments on the accuracy of the gun?
I see one person had a trouble I am haveing with my P95.

Tony Z :eek:

[This message has been edited by tonyz (edited April 11, 2000).]

Will Beararms

New member

I have tried to hate the Beretta. I have used Glocks and until last July,if it wasn't a Sig Sauer, I wouldn't own it except for maybye a Makarov for plinking or summer carry.

I don't care for fumbling with the locking block or the fact that the trigger bar is exposed on the right side of the gun or even the fact that so much of the barrel is exposed and don't even begin to think about the size of those rascals.

However.......they are balanced superbly negating the effects of recoil when successive shots are fired-----unlike the Glocks and Sigs which "buck" IMHO because of their top-heavy nature. I was a firm believer that the Sig was the most accurate out-of-the-box weapon and as for Glock, the durablility is marvelous but in my case, the accuracy just isn't there and I am not willing to learn the mastery of the "spongeous triggerous". I have been shcoked by the accuracy of the 92FS and the ease of operation. I am not bragging but you need to know that I have been able to put four shots in the bull's eye at fifteen yards WITH THE FIRST SHOT IN DOUBLE-ACTION MODE. I know this is nothing for most of you but to me it is an accomplishment of epic proportion. The trigger on the 92FS is hard to explain. It is not as smooth as the Sig but I believe the arc of pull is more consistment enabling me to transition from double-action to single-action with ease.

If you are looking for something that can be dropped off of buildings and bathed in mud or cleaned only three times a year, go Glock. If you are searching for a CCW weapon, I'm sorry the 92 series must be covered up with a vest,jacket or very oversized shirt. That having been said they are wonderful tools if you are willing to avoid hot ammo and keep them clean. Glocks and Sigs are fine pistols but I have learned through experience that the Beretta is also an excellent choice.

"When guns are outlawed;I will be an outlaw."


New member
Teppo, that little bit of wiggle between the barrel and slide is supposed to be there. According to Beretta the pistol design uses a falling locking block that locks up the barrel and slide at the moment of firing and then unlocks to let the slide recoil and chamber the next round. The barrel does not tilt like it does in most automatics and that design element should lend itself to inherent better accuracy.