Berreta for the Russians!

Glenn E. Meyer

New member

Well, that's a long URL - anyway - the Russians are going to produce Berettas. I know they were moving towards 9mm handguns. But I thought they had some of their own designs.

So both US and Russian forces will field the M9? We will see. There is also a controversy that the Russian Navy wants to buy up to 4 French heliocopter carriers or build them under license.

Wonder if there will be an AR-47 :D in the works?


New member
That article didn't say anything about M9s or 9mm in general. They could still use a mostly Russian design. Plus it specifically did not mention military arms in the joint venture.

the JV may start its work in the beginning of 2011 and will manufacture hand guns for police and intelligence agencies as well as hunting and sporting weapons.

Just sayin'............. ;)


New member
So would that mean more competition for 9x19 ammunition?

Wonder if there will be an AR-47 :D in the works?



and will manufacture hand guns for police and intelligence agencies as well as hunting and sporting weapons. These weapons intended for both domestic market and export will be the first foreign small arms manufactured in Russia since WWI.

Does this mean Beretta will over see Baikal's making of the SO series of shotguns?!?!?!:eek:


New member
shoot me if I'm wrong, but I thought the Russians already use a 9mm Makarov? So that doesn't really mean anything special about 9mm ammo, just a new weapon... again if I'm wrong then this post is useless haha:p

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
The standard Maks use 9 x 18. They did design a 9 x 19 but I don't know if it was really deployed. There was special AP ammo for it.

So, would Beretta just make this or supervise it. Or make some new guns or just Model 92 clones?

We will seen.
If I was a Russian arms maker, I'd be embarassed. Russia has some excellent designers who are innovative and fully capable of matching the West in arms design and technology.


New member
I'd be surprised if they adopted the Beretta as an entirely new sidearm, since they JUST adopted the Izhevsk 9x19 PYa for that purpose; but, because everyone and their dog is able to specify new requirements for one thing or another, they might be put into use in some specialized units (like with the Serdyukov "Gyurza", in 9x21mm AP).

PYa / Pistolet Yaryagin:


Serdyukov Gyurza:


Bart Noir

New member
Now that is very interesting. Really, it is.

But I will bet on the Px4 pistol, if they indeed start making any Beretta-designed pistols. I think it is a better pistol and I'm sure it is cheaper to make than the M92 / M9 design.

Bart Noir