Beretta's Target 87 (.22 cal) Handgun


New member
Does anyone own or shoot the Beretta Target 87? Looking for any reviews, likes, or dislikes. I recently saw an ad for it in Guns & Ammo. I'm looking for a .22 cal pistol and this one might do. I haven't seen it in any of out local shops. Can anyone give me an estimated retail price as well. Thanks.


New member
It was reviewed in the July 2000 issue of Handguns. The article gave the list price as $655. I'm still waiting to see one, too.


New member
I own a Berreta target model 87. I paid about $550 for mine. Originally I had ordered a SIG trailside. That was in late December of 99. I waited 6 months and still nothing. Then one day I read an article in Handguns magazine. I became very interested so I ordered one. It took about 1 week to arrive. I was extremely happy when I opened the box. I have had the pistol for about 2 months and it shoots great. Recently I was finally able to hold a trailside. The only thing that I think is better about the trailside is the box it comes in. It did not feel good in my hands at all. I'll stick with my Berreta. If anybody out there has specific questions you can e-mail me directly. I'll be more than happy to answer all your questions. You can also do a forum search and you'll find some posts I've made.