Beretta Vertec Pistol Coming


New member
I just posted something about this gun on my site( Just curious if anyone's heard anything either good or bad about the new gun, or has gotten a chance to handle one yet.

Also, for those who currently don't own a Beretta, is the Vertec going to entice you to buy a Beretta, assuming the new grip feels good?

Here's the thing. I'm not currently a Beretta 9mm or .40 owner(I do have a model 70S .22), but the new gun really looks kinda' neat--not that one should buy a gun based on looks. I just wish they made it with either a Glock-like trigger system(with quick reset) or frame mounted safety that allows for cocked-and-locked carry. I just don't like DA/SA type guns.


New member
Already have one..........

I've had it about three weeks now. It does have a pretty small trigger reach compared to a regular 92 series pistol. But where they recontoured the slide of a regular 92 series slide so they could get dovetailed sights on the front it has a kinda weird profile now.....alittle squared than normal. The triggerguard is a little different too. Its more flat on the front of it so when you attach an M3 or similiar light to the rails it will fit flush. The mag well is beveled like on the Elite series. There is a short trigger instead of the regular trigger, which also helps in a shorter trigger reach. The backstrap is totally flat. Similiar to a 1911 with a flat mainspring housing in my opinion. The grip together with the short trigger is actually kinda small for my hands.

They've been talking about these on the beretta-forum for a month or so now. Thats how I knew about them. They are readily availble now.


New member
If the trigger reach is substantially shorter than the normal 92 while retaining the sensuous feel of the well-designed 92 grip, I'd be very interested in it!

Of course, that brings up the question of why Beretta is not manufacturing and marketing a US versio of its "Stock" model that has a frame-mounted safety (so the gun can be cocked-and-locked) or develop a versatile safety/decocker system like Taurus (or H&K).



New member
I am considering it, looks great IMO and solves the one issue I have with the regular 92- trigger reach. I haven't held one yet, nobody in my area has even heard of it. Hopefully it will turn up soon.


New member
Beretta has had the Decock only
safety for years. The French
Gendarmie wanted it . It's called
the G configuration . It only decocks the hammer and springs
back into the Fire position .
the 92/96 guns in G or D are sold
only to Law Enforcement .
And YET their Elite Series of
92/96 ( which are G ) are sold
to ANYBODY . Very strange .


New member
The $6 million dollar question:

Does the Vertec take the standard 92fs mags? One thing the world doesn't need is another 10-round DA 9mm! :barf:


New member
Does the Vertec take the standard 92fs mags? One thing the world doesn't need is another 10-round DA 9mm

Yes, the Vertec shares the same magazines as the regular 92 series pistols.


New member
My only question is when will it be legal in California?
I hope Beretta submits it to the bogus CA tests as soon as possible. I want one.


New member
Ponty, in GA and WI, two places I have lived in, the Beretta D and G models are available to anyone.

I saw two Beretta Vertecs available on gunsamerica. The 96 was $559 and the 92 was $549.


New member

If you re-read my post, I was talking about the Italian-made "Stock" model, which comes with a frame-mounted safety that can be "cocked-and-locked." It is not manufactured in the US and is thus expensive to import ($1000+, I think).

Then there is another model, a competition model, that is single-action. That one is even more expensive.

I also mentioned the Taurus-type or H&K USP-type safety/decocker - one that allows "cocked-and-locked" as well as decocking.

I only WISH Beretta made something like that...
