Beretta question


New member
I had an interesting problem occur on one of my M9s today at the range. I noticed it happen to two shooters. Sometimes after firing a round, the round would eject fully as normal, but the hammer would only half cock, and in some instances it completely decocked.

Any ideas why this is happening?


New member
it was two other shooters using the same gun; neither were limpwristing and the rounds were ejecting powerfully, as they normally do.


New member
Take it to a gunsmith and/or contact Beretta. Of course, I'm assuming that this is not a DAO gun.

If the rounds are ejecting normally but the hammer is falling to half-cock or almost all the way forward, something isn't right.

Keep in mind that the slide should fully cock the pistol each time. Unless you're wiggling your finger on the trigger during recoil the hammer should stay at full cock after each shot. A hammer that's falling to half-cock or more is not reengaging the sear and it's my guess it's only a matter of time before you get two bangs (or 12 at once!) instead of one.


New member
Safety/Decocker lever??

It could have beeb they were thumb-riding the safety-decocker lever or that the vibrations turned the lever loose....

Stay safe,

Juan Carlos

Hunter Rose

New member
ok, I'm looking at my M9, and trying to figure out how you could thumb-ride the safety, since it's on the slide (which would be moving while firing)...

Sounds to me like failure to fully engage the sear...