Beretta ?qc?


New member
First of all I love this gun... but the finish sucks... is there a way to refinish my beretta or would the same stuff happen? Sorry about the huge pics.




How old is the gun? Beretta may refinish it for you if the gun is relatively new. Shipping will be on you though. Beretta refinished my 90-two 40s&w slide for free when my extractor was shooting the shells into the top of the slide. Unfortunately, they didn't fix the extractor problem and the finish came off again.


New member
Beretta won't do it. Guns just 6 months old. I was told that the finish doesn't affect performance.


I hate Beretta's arrogance! I sold my Berettas and will never buy one again.

If I were you, I would try them again. Get a manager on the phone. There is no way the finish should come off that quickly. If not, write a letter to the president of Beretta USA. I had to do this once to a flooring company that sold me crap. They ended up giving me my money back and let me keep the floor for free, although the floor was crap.

Good luck.


New member
You are kidding, right? You sold your gun because of Berettas arrogance to not refinish a frame?

That's normal usage.

I have 8 black Beretta 92s. The black finish comes off in spots along the rails with usage. All guns show some wear in certain spots.

The frame is anodized. That's normal wear. Every spot you showed is where there is moving parts...

Honestly - don't holster a gun if you want to make it look somewhat new for as longa s possible... However, if you are that extreme, then don't use it. ALL guns get wear, some in slightly different places depending on the model and brand.

That frame is aluminum. It's not a stainless steel frame (like the slide is).

I hate to sound like a jerk - but if that bothers you, then don't shoot it. Or, buy a second to be an unfired safequeen.

People tease me about my "museum pieces," because I am very anal about not scratching up some of my guns. On my carry guns - I don't care. But, on safe only guns, I am careful. But, I still shoot them. However, this level of extreme surpasses even me


I wrote that they refinished it for free. The extractor problem wasn't fixed so I sold it. My Beretta 90-two was losing it's finish after the first range trip. I didn't need the aggravation of sending it back again and paying shipping again.

Additionally, I had a PX4 9mm that did not shoot POA = POI (tested off of a rest). I even had the range gunsmith look at it to make sure it wasn't an imagined problem. Beretta wouldn't pay shipping back to them, so I traded that in as well. I much prefer CZ and S&W products to Beretta's anyway.

I shoot my guns a lot, but I am anal about their appearance as well. I am careful with them and accept reasonable wear caused by me. I am the same way with my cars. It's my nature.
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Beretta sucks, they don't warrenty their guns, talking to them is like talking to a wall, they use crap metals, and they have a huge bandwagon following. Just today we had two 391s go down, one with a cracked bolt and cracked connecting rod, the other had a broken firing pin return spring and also a cracked connecting rod. The gun with the busted firing pin return spring has less than 6000 rnds, the other has 14,000rnds. Beretta won't do anything for either of these people, or any of their customers for that matter.:barf::mad:


New member
Am guessing thats the Inox 92?

It happens, have same in black, only about 2-3 months old and began to have some wear in the same spots. In my case, I believe it is probably due to obsessive cleaning. Also, made the mistake of shooting it straight out of the box...alot:eek:

As far as Beretta's CS, I haven't any idea if they would help or not. If its not a warranty issue they will most likely not pay for shipping to the factory and may charge you for time and parts like any company would. If it does not effect operation, warranty doesn't apply.

My advice, send it in for a refinish if you like, but shoot the crap out of it first to make it worth the expense.


New member
Shipwreck... I have had two other 92s and I did not have the finish flaking off from around the takedown lever after several thousand rounds. I can scratch it off with my finger if I wanted to. As far as the rails go... yeah I know it normal.

What I was looking to gather I guess is where would someone send there gun to get a different and if possible a more durable finish. And if I had a new finish put on would it do the same just cause its aluminum. I also think having a 2 tone 92 would be pretty awsome.

I don't want this to be about bashing beretta because I happen to prefer beretta over all others.


New member
Well, admittedly, Beretta's service is not among the best. Not bad, but not at the top. They also never pay for shipping.

They do give a warranty, though 3 years instead of 1, if you mail in the registration.

If you want a new finish, though - it's probably best to go with CCR Refinishing. His Ceracoke is very nice, and he has done several Berettas already. I've seen some pics of his work.

Beretta charges like $300 for a factory refinish. I wouldn't pay that - CCR's will admittedly be more durable and will be cheaper.


New member
First of all I love this gun... but the finish sucks... is there a way to refinish my beretta or would the same stuff happen? Sorry about the huge pics.

For whatever reason, Beretta Italy has started using a much more delicate finish on the new INOX pistols. I really don't care for it at all. Call Beretta USA CS and talk to Tony (you'll have to press the option for "firearm you're thinking about purchasing" instead of the one for a gun you already own). I doubt Beretta will offer to do anything, as their is no premature wear issue with the frame (the yellowish anodizing underneath the silver paint is completely intact), but you can find out what the options are for refinishing, if that's something you'd like to explore.

Beretta USA's finish for INOX frames is far superior (cosmetically) to what the Italians are currently using. The older Italian INOXes had the best frame finishes, but the US-made INOXes have always had a very good, durable cosmetic frame finish. See if Beretta USA will refinish your gun with their finish for INOX frames.

Glad to see that it shoots like a laser, though. Everything else about the current Italian INOX guns is very high-quality, in my opinion, but the low-rent cosmetic finish their using over the anodizing is a pretty glaring (and inexcusable) flaw.

Beretta sucks, they don't warrenty their guns, talking to them is like talking to a wall, they use crap metals, and they have a huge bandwagon following.

Just spare us your ignorance. Are you still claiming that the PX4 only lasts 30,000 rounds, or something similarly ridiculous?

If you want a new finish, though - it's probably best to go with CCR Refinishing. His Ceracoke is very nice, and he has done several Berettas already. I've seen some pics of his work.

Beretta charges like $300 for a factory refinish. I wouldn't pay that - CCR's will admittedly be more durable and will be cheaper.

I don't have any experience with CCR, but they seem to do top-shelf work. A frame re-finish from Beretta wouldn't be $300, though. (I think Tony told me they charge around $100 for a frame re-finish.)
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New member
Well thank you. I'll try calling Tony sometime next week. I was thinking it would be around 250 but since I paid so little for it I'm willing. Gun was dropped in the store and got a good ding on the trigger guard so I only paid 490 for it brand new.




New member
Good luck. I've never had to use Beretta CS for anything (knock on wood), but Tony has been very helpful in answering a number of my technical questions. I'd say he answers that line about 75% of the time. The other folks who answer it have been nice, but they haven't had anything close to Tony's technical knowledge.

I'll PM you an additional bit of info.


New member
A frame re-finish from Beretta wouldn't be $300, though. (I think Tony told me they charge around $100 for a frame re-finish.)

The entire gun IS $300 for refinishing from Beretta. I don't know how much 1/2 the gun would cost.


New member
Go buy a S&W

I bought a s&w gun recently from a guy who bought it new in 2007 the finish was bad in places so I got on their s&w website stated my problem not to a CS rep but filled out a form they sent me a shipping label I sent it to them for FREE, and two weeks later I recieved a brand new gun new serial number and all, took it to the range yesterday put 50 rnds through on everything I aimed at. Buy a S&W you wont be dissappointed, and if by chance you are they will send you a new one....:D
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New member
Count on Rugerismisticness to spew vitriol at Beretta whenever given the chance, without ever providing anything other than hearsay by way of evidence for his claims.

Sig uses pot metal!
Glock supports Nazis!
Walther is the preferred gun of al-Qaeda!
Browning supports forced sterilization!
S&W money goes to Obama!

Isn't the internet fun, when you can just say negative things with no accountability for whether they are true or false?

Sorry for your finish isuses, OP. :( They don't look terrible to me, but not precisely acceptable, either. A refinish may be in order, as advised. While I very much like Beretta, this is not the first I've heard of Beretta Italy having Inox finish issues.