Beretta Nano


New member
That's a Beretta?,,,

Where's the sexiness?,,,

Where's the sleek Italian styling?,,,

Where's the uniqueness we all love about Beretta's?



New member
Like every other new gun , wait for a year so they can work out the bugs !
Unfortunately all those miniature 9mm pistols are too small for my large hand.


New member
Is Beretta subcontracting for Glock & Springfield now?

Where's the sexiness?,,,

Where's the sleek Italian styling?,,,

Where's the uniqueness we all love about Beretta's?

sigh...what he said

For size, I'd take a Tomcat over that mini brick any day, .32 ammo prices be damned


New member
You should read what is going on at the Beretta forum. I am a member there also and there seems to be a 50/50 split on the design, Love/Hate. They have been getting small hint pitures of this for some time and thought it would be revealed there first. Nope someone found it on Guns and Ammo web site :confused:. They seem a bit disappointed about that. But the debate about the exact details is still going on. Striker, hammer, slide relase, no slide release etc, etc.... I personally was hoping for a baby PX4 single stack like many others :(. It does not have that Beretta look to it for sure, but would be a good contender in the sub compact 9mm market as long as it is realiable.


New member
That's a Beretta?,,,

I'm with you, Aarond. Very disappointed in the look of the gun. It looks like the love child of a Glock and a PX4. And aren't Berettas supposed to have hammers? (Yes, I have a Neos, so I know it wouldn't be the first time, but still.) The bore axis also looks to be quite high, and I wonder how that is going to affect muzzle flip if the gun is as small as we expect.

Interestingly, the teaser pictures did not have the Glock-style trigger that the G&A picture had. Don't know if that was photo-shoppped or a design change or just what.
Why? Isn't the market for this already crowded enough? We've got, what, the Sig P290, the Ruger LC9, the KelTec PF9, the Kahr pistols, and the Taurus 709. I just don't see the point.

...and what the heck is "technopolymer?"


New member
I love the comments that go like "There are already so many in that market space, what is the point?"

Ummm..., that IS the point. There are so many because "Pocket 9's" are a hot segment right now. Beretta would like some of that action.


New member
i'm very disappointed. i was hoping that beretta,because of their traditions,would give me what i've been looking for in a pocket capable pistol.

this one is already a failure for me and it hasn't even launched yet.

the closest is still the walther PPS.

i'm still waiting to test the trigger on the bersa BP9CC. i already know all other prerequisites on this bersa are there for me and i'm still giving up on some functionality i would prefer but i'll wait to see if the reset is actually short.

so far nothing is able to replace the p7m8 for me,but it's heavy.


I'd like to campare it side by side with an LC9...... who'dathunk Berretta would take a Ruger idea and make it uglier? What's Next? Human Sacrifice! Dogs and Cats Living Together! Mass Hysteria!.......


New member
I think Aarond put it perfectly. While I think they missed the park on the Neos it is still in line with their styling. This Nano is so far off from their normal sleek styling it is rather disappointing.


New member
@Tom Servo

who says the bersa BP9CC was not approved. give me a source or it isn't so. delayed yes,but not approved is something else entirely. in fact,according to BesaSales on their forum,it's about to "trickle in sometime in the next month or so". i don't think it's the continued delay from before but who knows.

"they weren't approved for import". i would say you need to prove that or at least give me a source for your info. thanks.


New member
IMO it looks better than the PPS or P290, but then again, that doesn't take much to accomplish. I'm curious to find out how the trigger works, since it vaguely resembles a Kahr trigger with a Glock-style trigger safety.


New member
Yes, as soon as I saw a picture of it my immediate first impression was of how high the bore axis is. They've been taking lessons from the XD/XDm line of autos. My second impression was of how ugly it is and unlike what I would expect from Beretta.


New member
Very interesting. Looks wise, it appears to be a cross between a Beretta PX4 and a Walther PPS (IMHO). I'm assuming the overall dimensions are going to be close to a Ruger LC9.


New member
Hmmm. I'll reserve final judgment until I can hold one, but I'm underwhelmed. Not seeing anything that would make it a better option than my PPS.