Beretta CX4 40S&W?


New member
I am thinking of buying a Beretta CX4 40 S&W. I am wanting to gather some feedback from anyone that owns one or has shot one. I want something fun to take to the range and plink with. What is the max distance it is accurate to. Any comments would be a help. I have found a brand new one on Bud's for $524.00 with case, grip, and 2 11 round mags. Looks like a pretty good deal.


New member
Buy it, at that price it is a steal. I paid close to $700 not to long ago for mine. It is super fun and extremely accurate. For $30 you can throw on a BSA or similar red dot scope and tear up a target with it. Highly recommended. I just wish that I had waited a few months for the $524 deal. :mad:


New member
If you want a fun little carbine to shoot, I'd get one. The main reason I picked one up is because I have about 30 spare Beretta mags laying around, and about 1500 rounds of .40. I finally had the opportunity to take mine out yesterday (got mine from Bud's) and it shoots great. I wasn't going for distance though so I can't answer that. I was strictly taking it out to zero in the red dot @ 50 yards. I emptied a mag and got a grouping of about 1.75". My 13 year old daughter had a blast with it, too.


New member
I decided to go ahead and get it. I'm lucky and live only 30 minutes from Bud's retail store (which is also a indoor firing range). I am going to pick mine up in the morning. I called and talked to Bud's and asked if they had it in 9mm and they did but it was $755.00 without all the accessories offered in the sweet deal they have on the internet. I just was wondering about the 9mm because I have a PX4 in 9mm and a 92 Inox. Oh well I can't pass up that price so I guess it will be the 40 S&W for me. I reload so the cost of the ammo isn't that much of a factor to me. I have a bunch of 40S&W rounds already loaded and a ton of brass. I am a huge Beretta fan and I especially love this new X4 series they have out. Id actually like to find a RX4 for a reasonable price.


New member
I got one about a year and a half ago. I love it dearly. If you can get it for that price, go and get it. I think I paid around 750.00 for mine, not including the extra tactical rails for the top and sides. I found that the side tactical rails are better forimproving the grip than mounting equipment (makes it very unbalanced.)

As far as shootin' goes, it is great. I used it to shoot yotes in FL in Jan of 07 at around 75 yards. You will be amazed at the balistics of the .40 S&W at 50 plus yards! I found that Rem Gloden Sabers perform the best from my Storm.

Hope you get it and enkoy it greatly!:D


New member
Here's some pics of mine. :D



