Beretta Bobcat .22 value?


New member
As I'm sure happens with most of you, someone at work has once again approached me, "the expert" :rolleyes: with a firearm question. It seems that he has a Beretta Bobcat .22 pistol that his wife was using for PERSONAL DEFENSE while walking in the evenings. They live in a very rural area, so not a lot of cars or houses to run to in an emergency, big chance of encountering stray/wild dogs, etc. He asked me what I thought of his choice. I told him that a .22 would not be my 1st, 2nd, or even 3rd choice for a carry gun for my wife. I then told him about, and eventually got together and showed him, some of the carry guns we have.

After a little encouragement, he has decided to sell the Bobcat and buy a .357 or .38 snubbie.

So what's the going rate on a seldom fired, sometimes carried Beretta .22 pistol. It's blued, appears to be in excellent condition. I didn't see any marks or scratches at all. She carried it in a gun rug, so it didn't see any hazardous duty time.

Thanks for the input...

Mal H

The Blue Book value in 98% condition (sounds like that to me) is $180. Let him know that it is rare to actually get the BB value when selling, but not rare to pay it when buying. So $130 to $150 from a dealer might be fair. He might get the full $180 or more from a private sale.