Beretta 950 pistol -- .22 short only


New member
Can anyone here give me some info on this little gun. It looks like a Tomcat. I'm not looking for $$$ value, etc., but rather some info on what the gun shoots like, when they were made, who may have manual/parts, etc. No info at Beretta sites so far.

I bought one today -- couldn't help myself! Came with a second shorter barrel, and three magazines. If this ain't a mouse gun, I don't know what is . . .



New member
Yes, or maybe a leeetle mouse keeeler.

Here's a photo . . .


I don't know why, but I can only see the photo in Netscape, not Explorer???!!!*^%$^@$#


New member
I believe the .22 shorts only Beretta is called a Minx.

You might try a look up on one of the auction boards to see if anyone is selling one and has info.


New member
Coltdriver, thanks for the idea . . .

"I believe the .22 shorts only Beretta is called a Minx.

You might try a look up on one of the auction boards to see if anyone is selling one and has info."



Moderator Emeritus
It is called...

...the "Minx". It is the same gun as the 950BS "Jetfire", but in a different caliber. I know a couple of folks who just swore by theirs. I knew one guy who actually popped a perp with one. I wouldn't try it at home, myself, but then again I tote the same gun in .25 ACP almost every day, so what do I know? ;)

PS: If you'd like to know the consensus around here on the 950/950BS, just do a search on "Jetfire". You'll probably be pleasantly surprised. ;)



New member
Wow, thank you folks. I knew someone here would help me out!

By the way, will CCI CB shorts cycle this pistol? What is the recommended .22 short ammo for the 950?
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New member
I shot the little gun this morning using CCI CB shorts. Great shooting pistol for a little guy. But an a couple of occasions the first round would not feed properly.

Will take it back to gun shop and they promise to get it right. I'm not worried about it.

I was using the longer of the two barrels that came with the gun, and i tried out all three magazines. The bang of these shorts is much greater than when fired through my (almost silent) BL-22 lever rifle, but the recoil is zero.

This is a great gun for your pocket when walking through the woods looking for targets of opportunity.

Anyone try ammo other than CCI CB shorts?