Beretta 92FS choked AGAIN!

Larry C.

New member

This afternoon my Beretta 92FS choked for only the second time in some 6,700 rounds! I'll talk about the earlier episode later, but onto today's episode..

I was using my most common and reliable round, CCI Blazer's Aluminum cased target ammo. Also, I use only PB mags, fwiw. After around 30 rounds, my slide remained closed as I pulled the trigger, but no "POP". I immediately engaged the safety, dumped my mag and ejected an unfired round from the chamber. I loaded it into my mag and it fired just fine. It wasn't a "Stovepipe" jam. Could this have been a light primer strike? This would have to be termed a FTF, right?
My mags have around 6,000 rounds combined through the two of them, but this wouldn't appear to be a case of worn out mags, could it? Anyone?

Larry C.
PS: Last month my Beretta choked on one round of CCI Blazer Brass with a FTE. I understand that ammo has been problematic, though.


New member

You'll never know about the light primer strike, next time check before you load it back in and shoot it. It could also be a hard primer.

Did you notice the hammer fall when you pulled the trigger?


New member
It's not the mag because you found a chambered live round in the chamber.

I'm thinking that after 6,700 rounds through this pistol, I'd spend just a few dollars and replace the firing pin, the extractor (just for the heck of it), and all the springs.
After that, it should be as good as new.

With 6,700 rounds behind you and this pistol, you obviously like it so this is a good time as any to do a "rebuild" of the wearable parts and springs so you can put thousands more rounds through it.



New member
Probably the ammo. My 92FS Compact is "High Mileage" like yours, and from what you describe its probably ammo related. I have heard the Alum cased stuff is poor quality compared to their other offerings(CCI makes good ammo). I have had that problem with this on other guns. My 92 is my carry/defense gun because of its reliablity

Larry C.

New member
Thanks, but round had chambered.


Jeff, thanks for the advice about my Beretta mags (they do have 3K rounds apiece, btw!) but the round chambered! This individual episode couldn't have been due to the mag then, right?
Sounds like my pistol/mag/springs/extractor et al might qualify as "high mileage". Until my last two trips to the range, she was 100% reliable.


PS: I'll look into getting some new PB mags.


New member
fwiw, I have noticed that CCI primers are about the hardest there is, could be a contributing factor.

Also with 6K plus, the 'top end' should be stripped and cleaned. A lot of crud will accumulate around the firing pin, spring, plunger block etc... You could minimize by using an aerosol type cleaner with a plastic straw and blasting through the firing pin hole in the slide, but this will only do so much.

Marko Kloos

New member
It's either gunk in the firing pin channel, or ammo-related (hard primer). I'd clean the gun thoroughly and not worry about it too much...there are few pistol designs that are as reliable as the 92FS.


New member
My first thought is to check the firing pin, firing pin spring and clean out channel...also if it occurs again, check the round itself and check if the hammer strike is as it should be or not.
I have 1000's more rounds through my 'fs than you w/o having to replace all the springs. The one thing though that may help is a detailed cleaning.


New member
Personally, I'd pack the gun up, ship it to Beretta, and let the folks at the factory service department figure out what's wrong with it. I'd ask them to clean it thoroughly, to check the parts for excessive wear and replace springs and other parts as needed, and to test-fire the pistol when done. Heck, after 6700 rounds, it's earned a visit to its birthplace. :)


New member
I wouldn’t worry about it...

have you checked if there was a dent on the primer after the failure to fire?

IIRC CCI primers are harder than Winchester and Remington primers…

After 6700 rounds I say the firing pin/channal and extractor need to be cleaned. I cleaned the extractor on my 92Fs after about 3200 rounds and I couldn’t believe all the crap inside (the firing pin is visible when extractor is removed) [I haven’t cleaned the firing pin yet on mine]. Btw the gun has been 100% :)

check out this link


New member
6700 rounds on a 92f!

Are you sure it isn't a 6701 or 6699 round count? Excellent work. Keeping a round count is a good idea.

In your 92f record book did you keep track of the other ammo brands? How did they perform compared to the CCI Blazer stuff?

If you only had a .0002 ammo failure to fire rate, using Blaser ammo...I wouldn't sweat it. Even with the standard Fed Red Box or Win White Box performing at that rate it's time for a real good cleaning; and relax.

Beretta should have an approved armorer in your area. He'll have it cleaned & serviced while you wait probably. Especially if you offer to drive over to the 7/11 and buy him a 12 pack of the favorite 'bubblie' drink.

Most armorers, when they are dealing with quality pistols, want to know 3 things. (1). How are you maintaining the piece. They can tell alot at first glance and may not have to ask. (2). How do you treat your magazines, and do you have your mags numbered; and, here comes the record book part, did you keep track of the problem(s) while noting what particular magazine was in the gun at the time of the particulare ftf cause or reason. (3). What kind of ammo are you feeding it.

With all that money you saved on CCI is it time to buy some spare parts maybe? Magazine springs, followers. Slide stop, extractor & ejector & firing pin; and all those little CS roll pins and assorted parts that fall/roll off the Motel 6 table and into the carpet in a poorly lighted room the night before the big match. Nothing like that ever happened to me. No no. I only stay at the Red Roof Inns.


New member
I have gotten failures to fire with Blazer in Beretta, Glocks, H&Ks and SIGs. I always just figured the lead free primers were not as reliable. Sometimes if I rechamber or give them a second strike they work, some times they never work.