Beretta 92 vs. 96


New member
9mm or .40? Which one is better in what ways? Which one is more worth it, are there problems with either one?

[This message has been edited by MrBlonde (edited June 16, 2000).]

Jamie Young

New member
I went threw the same thing a couple weeks ago. I already own a Colt 1911 .45 and i got interested in looking for a higher capicity gun. I shot a 92fs and liked it alot but wasn't sure if i wanted to drop from a .45 to a 9mm. I also looked at the 96 model beretta. I really did not think that the .40 was all that different from the kick of a .45 so i settled on the 9mm. I know that getting high cap mags for the 92fs are alot easier and there not all that expensive compared to some other gun mags. You should do a search in here on this topic because i made a post that asked the exact same question. about a month ago. I Chose the 92fs based on the feed back i got from there. I have only fired about 200rds out of my 92fs and was amazed at how well it shot. I hear more good things on the 92 than the 96 but mostly because of the fact of the mag availability and cost of ammo.


[This message has been edited by SodaPop (edited June 16, 2000).]


New member
I bought the 92fs back in january. I have not shot a 40 but I like the 9 because of the ammo prices and the 15 rd. mags being plentiful.


New member
92FS is the original design and 9mm is the original chamber. 92FS has ultimate reliability. 96 does not enjoy the same reliability and accuracy because the 96 is simply a 92FS rechambered for the 40SW. Sort like putting off-road tires on your station wagon. :D :D :D


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>96 does not enjoy the same reliability and accuracy[/quote]

Uh-oh. The INS, which conducted the most exhaustive T&E since the M9 trials, is going to be very upset to hear about that! <g>

Give a choice, I'd choose the 9mm, too, because of cheap hi-caps and cheap ammo -- but there's nothing wrong with the 96.

BTW, the hi-caps for the 96 only hold 11, which does not convincingly seem worth the premium price... <g>