Beretta 92 fs or CZ 75b


New member
I have the chance at a local gun shop to buy a used Beretta 92 fs or can order a brand new CZ 75b. I know the Beretta has an excellent track record and have heard a lot of good things about the CZ 75b. Those of you who have expierence with these guns, could I get some feedback on these. 9mm is what Im wanting and I can get either for about the same price. The CZ will be about $50.00 more. I know, get both right?
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New member
Yea, get both! New vs new I'd get the 92FS hands down. Both are nice and shoot great but the Beretta has a nicer fit and finish. The barrels on the CZ's always look a little rough to me. If the Beretta fits your hand, it's the nicer gun. Used Beretta vs a new CZ though, I think I'd lean towards the CZ then. It's the safer bet.


New member
depends on which fits your hand better, and what type of saftey you like, as far as decockers, on the Beretta I like the fact that there is no way that the hammer will contact the firing pin when used, as it rotates the firing pin out of the way.

both are DA/SA the safteys are reversed though, up for fire on the Beretta, down for fire on the cz (non decockers atleast) cocked and locked can be done on the cz, but not on the baretta..

both good choices though..

I almost got one, but the decocker and up for fire thing was too much for me to overcome, as others are all 1911 type safteys, so that's the route I went..


New member
Had the beretta 92 in my hand today, and as always, fits great. I know I would love the beretta and I haven't shot or even held a CZ. I just can't get the CZ out of my head. Something is telling me to get it but I know the reputation of the Beretta. Maybe both is really what I need!!!


New member
I have both and really like both but the CZ75 to me is the superior handgun. Love the feel in my hand, like the trigger and I like the sights better but that said I do not think either is a bad choice. Personally buy whichever one you can find on sale now and then keep your eye open down the road for the other one at a good price, thats what I did :D

chris in va

New member
This question gets asked at least once a week. Only you can decide what works better for your needs.

Personally I find the 92 to be absurdly chunky for the caliber it shoots.


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I've owned both. Didn't care for either. But if forced to chose I'd much rather have the Beretta. CZ makes a good range gun, but is one of the few guns I wouldn't trust my life to.


New member
I owned both, in the past, and no longer have either one. Both were excellent guns, though, as far as accuracy and reliability went. Both would eat any 9mm ammo I could feed them.

Subjectively, the CZ fit my hand better. I like its grip shape, especially with the coke bottle grips. DA reach on the CZ was a bit longer, DA pull on the Beretta was a bit heavier. Both were excellent in SA mode. The CZ75B allows cocked and locked carry, and has a frame-mounted safety, so those features also would bias me toward the CZ. (But you might like DA/SA with slide mounted safety/decockers, for all I know.)

Both guns are kind of heavy, as carry guns go, but neither is excessively heavy. I used to be a big fan of all-metal guns; I recently shifted toward more polymer - heresy, I know - partly because all-metal guns are significantly (30% or so) heavier. The Beretta is thicker than the CZ, but they are more similar than different as far as concealability goes. (In fact, my CZ fit rather nicely in a Beretta 92 leather holster...)

So, the only objective factors (to me) would be that the CZ has cocked and locked capability and a frame-mounted safety, while the Beretta is DA/SA only and has a slide mounted safety/decocker. The other factors are subjective, as I have no idea what grip and trigger reach feels best to you.

Good luck; either way, you'll get a good pistol.


I've owned both and only the 92 is still kicking around.

The Beretta is more refined.
Spare parts are easier to find.
Magazines are less expensive and come in a greater variety of options.
More supported aftermarket for things like holsters, sight options, grips, and threaded barrels.
More reliable in my experience.
Easier to field and detail strip.
Easier to modify the trigger pull, just buy a "D" model mainspring, use a punch and five minutes of your time and you drop about two pounds off of your trigger pull with no loss of reliability.


New member
I prefer the Beretta all the way, but getting both is indeed the best answer. :D The Beretta is easily a smoother and more refined pistol. I haven't cared at all for the stock triggers on the CZs I've shot, and I suppose I'm turned off by the somewhat rough interior metalwork. I also had reliability issues with both of the rental CZs I shot, but I gather that this is not the norm. I don't think there's any question at all that the 92 bests the CZ in the reliability department, though.

Here's a prior thread on this that might have something useful for you:


New member
I looked at both when I was looking for my next 9mm. I ended up buying the 92FS because it had a better fit and finish. It also felt more solid. It has been flawless and just love it!


New member
Love both the Beretta and the CZ and have both. Both of these pistols are at the top of the 9mm combat pistol food chain. That said, I feel the Beretta edges out the CZ slightly in the reliability dept. But then again, the Beretta is the undisputed king of reliability.

American Eagle

New member
The Beretta open top slide is as classy as it gets. Love my baby Beretta (Cheetah 85FS) and I can't wait to own a Beretta 92 or 96 some day.

Major Beef

New member
Love both the Beretta and the CZ and have both. Both of these pistols are at the top of the 9mm combat pistol food chain. That said, I feel the Beretta edges out the CZ slightly in the reliability dept. But then again, the Beretta is the undisputed king of reliability

First time I've heard Beretta being praised for unrivaled reliability. Learn something new everyday I guess...


New member
First time I've heard Beretta being praised for unrivaled reliability. Learn something new everyday I guess...

Interesting. Seems to be a pretty common experience with the 92 series pistols on the forums I read, this one included.


New member
The Beretta is reliable, no doubt on that. It has proven to be so. Personally, I've shot more than 500 rounds through mine without cleaning, just to see what happened, and nothing happened. Ammo were different kinds of FMJ and JHP, mainly Magtech, Fiocchi and Santa Bárbara ammo.

It's a tough decision between those two. If you can't have both :D, try at least to shoot both. That said, I prefer how the CZ fits my hand and IMO, has the better trigger. In due honesty, I have to admit that the CZs I've shot were SP01 Shadows, a version that has been slightly tuned with IPSC competition in mind but that is still being sold as a service weapon as well. I haven't, though, had a close comparative look on the two of them side by side, or disassembled them so as to find out which one of the two has the better finish or is easier to disassemble.

I like CZs a lot. They feel solid and have excellent ergos, less muzzle flip than the 92FS. However, I carry a 92FS on duty every day and love it, and as other fellows say, I like a lot the fact that it has a firing pin safety, which not all CZ75 models do, and having both a decocker and safety lever. This is very personal since others would prefer the CZ's ability to be carried cocked and locked (and you can always decock your gun manually with your safety engaged) but I like to have a decocker to do this for me just in case I'm under stress.

Try to shoot them, get the one you feel more comfortable with. You can't go wrong with either of them.


New member
A lot of people came away with bad tastes in their mouths for the Beretta due to substandard magazines the government bought.

Use Beretta or Mec-Gar magazines, and the 92 is extremely reliable.