Beretta 9000S - any opinions?


New member
Been looking at my newest obsession: The slick looking compact - Beretta 9000S. Priced at a modest $350, it looks like a very nice weapon. All the reviews I can google up so far have been very positive: There is a pinky rest for those with bigger hands, and it uses 92 series magazines for Hi-Cap. (with converter)

Has anyone out there had the opportunity to use and shoot this weapon? Any tidbits of wisdom to share? :rolleyes:

Especially concerned with Reliability and Accuracy.

How does it compare with it's competition for CC? (I would think Kahr, Kel Tec, Sig, and other compacts)

Also I am debating to go either .40 (I already have a compact for CC in 40) or 9mm (My CZ100 is getting shelved....if this is the case). Ammo costs for 9mm are just so crazy cheap....

PS This is the cool gun that Tom Cruise used in the futuristic Minority Report. :D


New member
I've shot the .40 S&W version and i'll tell you this much, the felt recoil was uncomfortable. There is way to much snap for my liking. I am not a big fan of Berettas though, we put tons of rounds through the one I shot and it was extremely reliable.


New member
Thanks FW. Recoil in polymer guns is a big factor in my decesion. You just made it a lot easier to go 9mm!!! :)


New member
I have the 9mm and I like it. Not quite enough to bump my Glock 26 or 19 from regular carry duty, but close. I've put a few hundred rounds through mine with exactly zero problems from round one. It's at least as accurate as my 26, maybe a smidge better. I recently picked up 3 former LE magazines for mine so now it has a 12 round capacity (so does my G26, but that's with a "+" baseplate on the standard magazine). Don't particular care for the safety, but it doesn't bother me either. It's a little fat, but I have big hand so this is of little consequence to me. Holsters are not widely available and this will only get worse, since I believe this gun has been discontinued (maybe it's just a particular version of the 9000, don't know for sure).

BTW, I have a number of compact CC suitable guns and I consider the Glock 26 best for me. Next on the list would probably be Steyr S-series (which I also have), then the 9000S.


New member
I have both the Glock 26 and the 9000 in 9mm

I agree with what SouthpawShootr said, I like the 26 better, but one thing, If you get one, get the mag extensions, there small and dont add that much to the over all size of the gun, but with out them I find the gun to be totaly uncomfortable.
Both have been totaly reliable and with out any failures at all.


New member
Thanks guys. These are excellent suggestions. The "fatness" of the pistol is an issue, but not too much of one.

Does anyone know its being discontinued? Beretta's website says its still part of their 2005 production.

Q - what holsters fit this weapon best?

I had better pick one out on the next gun show then.... :D


New member
I've read a few posts over at that maintained that the 9000 has been discontinued. Might want to try a search over there and see. It may only apply to certain flavors (DAO for instance) and not to the whole line. Those guys can also give some recommendations on holster. For IWB, I prefer the Don Hume H715M clip-on. Exceptional craftsmanship for the money and works very well. I have one for every gun I carry. I know they make it for the 9000. Quickest turnaround and price would be


New member
The only gun that Beretta stopped making in 2005 was the 8000 Cougar line. It is being replaced by the new Beretta Storm pistol. The 9000 is still listed in the new 2005 Beretta product catalog I just picked up.


New member
I bought the 9000F in 9mm earlier this year, but ended up selling because it just didnt' fit. I have a strong affinity for Beretta firearms, so when it came out with a compact, double-stack mag, open slide and frame-mounted manual safety, I thought it would be "the one". I took it to the range and put 200 rounds through it without a single hiccup, and it was straight to point of aim at 15 yards. But the deal breaker was that stupid little 'hump' on the lower part of the backstrap. It pushed the meaty part of my palm up and prevented me from obtaining a natural grip on the draw. Since this was to be a concealed carry pistol, that simply would not do. I needed to be able to draw and point the weapon naturally with a proper grip without having to do all kinds of handjive to get it right. By contrast, I can draw and fire my full-size 92fs as if it were made for my hand. So, the 9000F was sold and the proceeds directed towards a 642 which fills the bill perfectly.


New member
It's a nice looking gun, that's for sure. I was contemplating getting one...

I didn't like the feel of the gun and felt there were far better alternatives (although more expensive also). Also the safeties and slide seem quite rigid when the gun is brand new. A friend could barely flick the safety off with one hand.



New member
The 9mm I had was DAO, didn't like the trigger pull. I also think the grip is too big, but for $350 they are not a bad gun.


New member
I've had mine for about 3 weeks, I've gone to the range 3 times, put a total of about 500 rounds through it and am still not convinced. I think with practice, and possibly a trigger job (not happy with the heavy pull) I'll get much more enjoyment out of it. Mine is a 40 caliber. I couldn't hit the side of a barn the first two times with it, granted this is my first handgun, but I picked up a friends 96f 9mm and grouped 10 inside the #5 ring at 15 yards. With the 40 I had trouble getting 8 of 10 on the paper at 15 yards. Not too sure if this is me, or the gun.

Hunter Rose

New member
pardon my picking nits...

>but I picked up a friends 96f 9mm<

If it was a 96, it was a .40. If it was a 9mm, it was a 92.

I haven't had a chance to shoot the 9000, but it just doesn't fit my tiny paws. The 92/96 aren't any trouble, but that 9000 just feels like a brick. Had the same reaction to the Mauser M2...


New member
No problem with nit picking:) I'm such a friggin newbie. When I was looking for my first handgun, the 9000 just felt right. I guess I never gave any of the other/larger choices much of a chance. Moreover I couldn't "see my self" with a larger framed gun, as I'm not much physically. Kinda belies the choice of a 40 cal, but I still like the way it feels in my hand.:D

Hunter Rose

New member
Seriously... if you'ld like to carry a larger-frame pistol, look into the Coronado vests. In mine, I can drop damn near ANYTHING into it, and it disappears. There's usually a Smith 19 in there, although the Beretta works even better. You can find them at