
James K

Member In Memoriam
I am not a regular on this forum, but thought the folks might get a kick (pun) out of this one.

In the latest (Dec. 2002) Guns Magazine, one Cameron Hopkins proves that he has no idea how the Benelli shotgun works. Let me quote:

"It works in an elegantly straightforward manner. As the shell is fired, the resulting chamber pressure locks up the bolt's rotary lugs until peak pressure drops. Then simple recoil pushes the bolt to the rear, unlocking itself and allowing the action to cycle."

Sort of sounds like the "Blish principle" brought to life again. I guess he thinks that bolt carrier and spring are there just to use up some old parts the factory had lying about.

And people believe this gunzine garbage.



New member
I understand the mass of the bolt carrier compresses the large spring during recoil and then is thrust back as the spring overcomes the forward motion of the bolt carrier. Pretty cool system once I understood it.

Dave McC

Staff In Memoriam
While some gun writers are sharp. some are decent human beings, and some even know something about shooting, there's some that can't find their momma in a roomful of kangaroos.

And the idea of sharing a blind or range with one or two of them makes me long for the nice safe times I worked in a Maximum Security Prison.

I recall one former local writer who told me the reason people hunted was because our ancestors had tired of the vegetables they raised.He also wanted to know if John Moses Browning was related to the gun company of that name.

Another described a complicated and easily goofed method of removing the breast of a dove with several tools. Heck, anyone with thumbs can breast one out in less time than it takes to read this sentence.For the squeamish, a pair of quick cuts with game shears does the same.

Or the famous one who wrote that an ethical sportsman would never pass up a shot on a hawk, owl or eagle.

Or the bowhunter with some books and articles on the subject who got caught poaching elk in Yellowstone Park.

Or the ones who praise some new product to the skies,and there's a full page, full color ad for same facing it on the other page.

James K

Member In Memoriam
Hi, BigG,

Very well put. And of course the breech is fully locked until the carrier turns the bolt head to unlock it. Now if we could just "edikate" Mr. Hopkins.



New member
Yessir, Mr. Keenan. The rearward motion of bolt carrier turns the bolt head, unlocking it.

My Beretta 1201FP recoil operated SG looks to have the same action as the Benelli albeit at a more consumer friendly price.

James K

Member In Memoriam
This is OT, but one gun writer stated flatly that the U.S. Army used the Mauser Model 1898, based on some documents referring to the "Model 1898". I wrote and told him about the Model 1898 Krag. He did reply, but his letter was nothing but a bunch of oscenities which boiled down to he knew everything and I was an idiot.

My favorite magazine hunting story was some years back, a vivid description of how the writer had faced down and killed wild tigers in Africa. A gripping story and quite well told, with gun info and all. The only trouble is that there are no wild tigers in Africa, and never have been.



New member
I have a Benelli that uses the same system, and it is slick, quick and light. I love it.

As for journalists, whether about shooting or not, one will always find idiots. Just look around, you can actually find them everywhere.
