Benelli Nova


New member
I was thinking about purchasing a Benelli Nova 12g/3.5/28 and was wondering if anyone has any positive or negative comments before I spend the money. Your help would be appreciated. Thanks.


New member
I've had mine for about 4yrs and haven't had any issues with it. For the money and utility I don't think you can beat it.

I did buy the mercury recoil reducer for it and the weight added might not be worth the unit because it does get heavy. If you do buy the reducer separately you will need a super long phillips head to install it. I didn't have one long enough to work, I went to Sears and picked up like a 10 inch Craftsman.


New member
It's a nice gun, just make sure you like the feel of it before you buy it. My dad bought one and it's quite a different feel than the M1. Great gun though, benelli quality and reliability.


New member
A few of my buddies have them, so far no complaints or issues. The one thing that bothers me about them, is the one piece receiver/stock? I'm just not a fan of it. My opinion...


New member
How would the Benelli Nova compare to the Browning BPS? I see Browning has a $75.00 rebate on their BPS guns right now.


New member
I have a BPS and I love it. I have a 12/28/3". I have access to a 10ga BPS so I decided not to get a 3.5" in 12 cause I really don't need it. If I am going goose hunting I just use the 10. I can almost guarantee it will be the smoothest pumping gun you can find for a hunting grade shotgun. I have never had any problems with it. I have taken it completely apart and put it back together again, its simple but most guns aren't too complicated. You can also buy a cantilevered slug barrel if you want to deer hunt with it, so thats another option. Just make sure whatever you buy fits you good, especially with some extra layers on. You don't want to have to move your cheek around a lot, or adjust it farther into your shoulder or anything before you shoot. You should just be able to throw it up and it should fit good. Good luck with the choice.


New member
Well, I did it. I bought the Benelli Nova 12ga./3.5/28 and feel pretty good about it all. It has a great feel and comes up to my shoulder very nicely. Should go good with the two Baikals and two Browning auto-loaders I already use. They say 'change is the spice of life" so I guess I will find out for myself. Thanks to everyone for your great comments.

Death from Afar

New member
Great gun, you will get a lot of them. I used a demo gun - our team is sponsered by Benelli- in an Easter Bunny shoot a few years back and really rated it. I killed about 200 rabbits with that gun in 24 hours- my Remmy was with a mate- and cant say a bad thing about them. I prefer the Remmy, but for no reason I can think of. I will be trialling one in Easter for this years shoot, and will post a range report.