Belt fed auto shotgun


New member
I hope this has not been discussed, I did a quick search. Just saw a youtube video, called MY BELT FED 12 GUAGE UPPER RECEIVER. I have no idea how to lift the link and bring it here, but run that title in their search and check it out. When he gets the bugs out of it, man what a handly little package to have around the house!


New member
Awesome! Youtube has some cool stuff. I also saw something called a AA-12 full auto shotgun. What's especially carzy is it appears to have no recoil.


New member
I think it is mounted to the shelf or ledge it is on, to avoid recoil. I want to see that thing in a movie. That thing could be the real deal "street sweeper" or have "rioters nightmare" stamped on the stubby barrel. thanks for the video link, hexidismal.

44 AMP

After watching the video...

I do believe it is mounted to the shelf it sits on. And, I wonder how under existing Federal law it was made.

The only way that could be legal would be under a manufacturer's/dealers license, for sale only to law enforcement.

There is no way under current law than any private citizen could own it, unless that individual upper was registered with the ATF before May 1986, which I kind of doubt.

Neat noise maker, but 5 jams out of what looks to be about 50 rnds means that it needs a bit more work,:D


New member
I do believe it is mounted to the shelf it sits on. And, I wonder how under existing Federal law it was made.

The only way that could be legal would be under a manufacturer's/dealers license, for sale only to law enforcement.

There is no way under current law than any private citizen could own it, unless that individual upper was registered with the ATF before May 1986, which I kind of doubt.

Unless my eyes deceive, isn't that an M16 lower he's got that on? In that case, assuming the lower was properly registered prior to 86, wouldn't he be able to put any upper on it he wants? I'm not in the NFA game at all so I could be completely off base here........edumacate me.......

44 AMP

It could be on a legal FA lower

and then I suppose it would be ok, if the owner has the paperwork to cover it being a "sawed off shotgun", in addition to being a full auto. I do not pretend to be able to see where in their convoluted regulations the BATFE would place this, but I do believe they must have found someplace.

personally, I see nothing new or novel in this item. An interesting novelty, but belt fed uppers for the AR series are not new technology. Belt fed shotguns, and even 40mm grenade launchers are not new either.

I'm sure it was an interesting exercise for the designer/manufacturer, but what possible use could it be, other than to waste money and get stange looks?
or, of course, to post on U-tube?


New member
I'm sure it was an interesting exercise for the designer/manufacturer, but what possible use could it be, other than to waste money and get stange looks?
or, of course, to post on U-tube?[/

Think you hit the nail on the head there.........


Staff In Memoriam
I see it as both a military consideration as the aa12 is and an industrial machine... They use special ammo as a "slag buster" in several industries. with labor costs what they are, I see it as a money saver for employers as well as fun as all hell for the employee who gets to use it...