Belly Band Holster, who has it?

Para Bellum

New member
Hi Folks,

does anybody have one of these:


if so: Practical? Like it?

(for a Glock 26)


New member
I have three

I have three of these belly bands. They now stay in my box along with all of the other great holsters that I bought that I thought was a great idea :) When I bought the first one, it was for a G26. I generally wore it with a sweatshirt but I found it a bit uncomfortable. I bought a white one to wear under a dress shirt but accessibility to the firearm was difficult. Also, the gun came out of the holster if I did a lot of fast moving like running or riding a bicycle. Also, it felt like a girdle and restricted my favorite activity..... eating :D


New member
I have one of them. Looked like a great idea. Like the previous post, mine has been in a draw after the first time I wore it, never to be worn again.


I wear mine often. I position the gun in the appendix position and tuck my dress shirt over the gun.

Not a perfect solution (what is?), but I need to be as covert as possible in a few situations and still carry a decent size weapon. Depending on which shirts I wear, I can use either my G26 or my G19.

That said, mine only gets used about 5-6 hours a week, not as an EDC item.


New member
I wear mine for sweaters, and position the gun in a cross-draw position under my left arm. Very comfortable, except the fact that I must wear undershirts, or there's a problem with chafing. Mine was originally used for either my HKUSPC, or my G26. I don't wear sweaters much anymore but on the odd day I do, I still find the belly-band the most comfortable way to carry. Mine is a Desantis.


New member
I love mine

I use the belly band all the time. I wear mostly sweat pants in the winter and it works great for me. I carry an lcr so I can't speak of any other gun but the lcr isn't even noticed on my hip.Sometimes I forget I have the gun on me. I have heard they get hot in the summer but then I won't be wearing sweats and can get a holster for my shorts.


New member
Different strokes for different folks for sure. I have a few different brands of belly bands. I like the one from best because it is wider than the others (tends to roll less) and has a restraining strap for the handgun (tends not to fall out when altering position). The restraining straps can be moved to either side, so handgun and magazine placement is very flexible.


The belly band I find very good for concealment, but very slow fow handgun retrival and presentation. I have worn the band as low as the hips (similar to deep carry) and as high as the chest (similar to a shoulder holster). I have worn it with sweats and with a suit.

I find it flexibile, easy concealment. Just do not count on a fast draw.


New member
That looks like a Galco belly band. I have one that is nearly worn out because I've worn it so often over the years. Need to get myself a new one, one of these days. It's not my primary carry method, but it allows me to position the gun exactly where it would be if I were wearing a belt holster -- while wearing slacks without belt loops. It also allows me to wear skirts and dresses (presumably not a factor for the OP, but maybe for other readers).

It's not always the most comfortable carry method. But if you're committed to carrying on-body whenever possible, it opens up a lot of possibilities.
