Behind Enemy Lines, This is Funny

TX Hunter

New member
My Youngest Son, Bought a book at his school book fair, Its entitled Behind Enemy Lines. Its a good book. On the Cover there is a Picture of a US Army Soldier, comming out of a tunnel, carring a scoped M14 Rifle.
Its a great looking picture. Well whats funny is my Youngest Son has played Zombies, I know its not appropriate, but its fun.
Well he got to looking at the picture, and I guess it reminded him of the video game. He put a sticker above the Soldier, that said, I LOVE ZOMBIES.
It just kind of struck me as funny. Got to have a sense of Humor. :)

We completely respect and love our Armed forces, but this was kind of funny, I guess in the kids mind the Soldier was on the lookout for Attacking Zombies.
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New member
just wait for the lib media to go into a frenzy about a book involving soldiers and guns was sold a school lol

wonder why the tunnel rat would have a scope... :-/


New member
Depending on what version of the story it is I believe there is a Behind Enemy Lines where the guy is a Sniper.


New member
Hide makes more sense than tunnel...

edit... found it



New member
Great work RamItOne!

I tried to find it on Amazon but kept getting distracted by all the other interesting books with 'Behind Enemy Lines' when I searched on the title.

You're more clever or tenacious than me!

TX Hunter

New member

Yes thats it, sorry tunnel was the wrong description, Its a great picture on the cover of the book, the Soldier looks great. But it reminded little Ethan of Modern Warfare 3 and Zombies. :)