Beautiful beaters


New member
Even beaters can be beautiful! Here's a M19 that's had a rough life but still surely serviceable. Let's see yours!



New member
I have two beaters that still shoot perfectly,,,

One is Didi,,,
My S&W Model 18 in .22 LR.

She's kinda like a floozy from a Tennessee Williams play,,,
She's been rode hard and put up wet many times,,,
But she still dances like a teen-aged girl.

Then there is Raquel,,,
My Colt trooper Mk-III in .357 Magnum.

Raquel was a rancher's everyday carry gun for close to 30 years,,,
She was never abused but everyday use is apparent.

Both of these revolvers lock up tight,,,
So maybe it's incorrect to call them beaters,,,
But they show the most wear of any of my handguns.



New member
Aaron, there's something about a well-worn but cared for revolver that's very appealing. I like both your girls.

Pond James Pond

New member
@ Aarond

Looking at both those revolvers, am I right in saying that the 357 and 22 cylinders rotate in opposite directions?

The retention grooves (or whatever they are called) are orientated in opposite directions to one another.

Is there a reason for this?
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New member
This was my issue service revolver when I hired on APD in '74, they gave it to me when I retired in '94.


I settled on this M64 when I couldn't find a M10 that suited me. Turned out to be my best target pistol. I can shoot it better then any of my other pistols or revolvers (except maybe my series 70 gold cup)


This Model 3 in 44 Russian was given to my Grandfather when he left home at 12 to work the ranches in Colorado and New Mexico. It went to my father and it will go to my oldest son.


I know this is the revolver forum, but a 1911a1 saved my hide more then once in SE Asia, so soon as I got back from Vietnam I bought one. It will go to my Grandson when he graduates. He's currently in his junior year on a ROTC Scholarship. I get to pin him when he gets his commission and I'll pass on my 1911a1.



New member
My 2nd Generation Glock 19 was a re-furbed police weapon. I shot it in IDPA matches and carried it for 6-7 years. The grip is pretty beat up, but it still feeds anything and is accurate.



New member
Hello hivel37, Pond, & Kraigwy,,,

Hello Hivel37:

Why thankee sir,,,
I luvs my well used ladies.

Hello Pond:

By Jove, you have a good eye my friend,,, ;)
Colts do turn in the opposite direction than S&W's,,,
Although I'll be darned if I can remember which way that would be.

It has to do with which side of the cylinder pin the hand is on,,,
I have no idea if one is supposed to be superior to the other.

If I recall correctly, Colts turn clockwise and S&W's turn counter-clockwise,,,
I have no idea which one matches your Ruger Thunder Boomer,,,
Someone will correct me quickly enough if I'm wrong.

Hello Kraigwy:

Man, that S&W is the definition of the word venerable.


P.S. See what you've done Pond,,,
Now I'm saying By Jove even at work,,,
Dang all of you Brits and your infectious argot.

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New member
I checked three S&W's, a Ruger SRH, and a Taurus, all rotate CCW. The old Belgian top break(similar to the Model 3 above) rotates CW. No Colt revolvers(yet) here to check rotatioon on.

Pond James Pond

New member
By the dorsal fin of Poseidon, I knew it!:D

Yep, I'm pretty sure the cylinder on my Ruger Thunder-Clap does indeed rotate anti-clockwise.

In fact, if my Ruger were seen to be rotating clockwise, it would indicate one's day was about to take a turn for the worse!!


New member
excelerater, I love those 19 snubs. Don't have one yet but it's on the list.

Let's see more of these used beauties, guys!

Duke City Six

New member
I don't have a beater yet, but I think next on my list is a beater model 15. Why would I seek one out, you ask? Well, I'm hoping to stumble across a mechanically perfect but cosmetically challenged shooter at a steal of a price. It's all my budget can handle at the moment.


New member

Ruger Speed-Six, a lot like the Model 19 above...

BTW, am I doing something wrong that my pics only show as links instead being viewable? Do I need to hit >100 post count or something?


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New member
thedaddycat, naw, it has nothing to do with post count.

You can move your pics to a site such as and then link to them. Full info can be found with a search. And rest assured if a dummy like me can, you can.

Like that Ruger, BTW.


New member
when you copy your pic, use the "img" code... that's the only thing I can think of that would cause a link instead of an imbedded pic..


New member
My nickeled S&W 10-5 "car gun", circa 1975. All K/L-frames with Hogue grips fit my hands great, but this one just feels the best. The nickel is worn in spots, and I carry nickel plated ammo to ward off corrosion in the cylinder in the summertime.

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old bear

New member
My M 19-3 with a grip adapter and stag grips. Between the adapter and grips I almost doubled the price of the revolver.


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