Beating a Dead Horse


New member
I know this is asked all the time, but I'm looking for something relatively specific. I'm looking for a pocket carry, auto loading pistol, .380 or lower. It'd be nice if it was stainless steel, and definitely not polymer. What would you reccomend for around $400? Or will it cost more?


New member
Stainless and $400.00. Try and get a used Walther PPK or a PPK/S. Taurus may make something in that line also. North American Arms makes a 380 also............hpg


New member
Just out of curiousity, why would you want a .380? Is ammo not expensive?The so called stopping power appears to be significantly less than what others on this forum seem to carry. So, why would you not want a .40 or .45?

Just out of curiousity, why would you want a .380? Is ammo not expensive?The so called stopping power appears to be significantly less than what others on this forum seem to carry. So, why would you not want a .40 or .45?
A .380 is a very effective round for close range SD. It is very capable of severely injuring or killing a large man.

I would not want to be involved in a long range shoot out with a .380 but for the purpose most of us carry (short range SD) it is a very reliable caliber.

Plus, it comes in platforms that are so easy to carry that you do not mind actually carrying them. You also don't really have to alter you method of dress to accomodate them.

Also, in a worst case scenerio where you have to use it then get sued you can use the "I was carrying the minimum effective power firearm for SD I could find so it is obvious I was not out to kill anyone" defense. They use the opposite view to say people were out to kill someone because they were carrying a huge caliber so the reverse should work too. :)

The .380 has lots of good things going for it.


New member
Also, in a worst case scenerio where you have to use it then get sued you can use the "I was carrying the minimum effective power firearm for SD I could find so it is obvious I was not out to kill anyone" defense.

Point well taken. :D



New member
Before you throw 400 bucks at the problem, . . . take a look at a Bersa Thunder .380, . . . ultra reliable, small, easy to use, . . . and you can buy one, . . . wear it out in 20 years or so, . . . and still have almost enough cash for the second one.

New ones go for 200 to 250 bucks, . . . rent and shoot one at a range, . . . you may really like it, . . . I did, . . . and do.:D

May God bless,


New member
Does anyone remember the AMT backup? That was a small SA all stainless steel pistol. Little rough around the edges but it did seem to go bang every time. Could not hit much at the range but probably just fine for closeup work. I really cannot remember enough about it to give it a full recommendation or anything, but as I recall they were not very expensive new. Kinda heavy being all SS so I myself would just as well opt for a snubbie given the weight factor. But the AMT was more concealable.


New member
I just went through this same decision a couple weeks ago. I had it down to the Sig P232, Guardian 32NAA, or the Seecamp 380 ACP . The KelTec .380 just felt like a piece of junk in my hand. The Bersa .380 was a consideration, but didn't feel right for me. I chose the P232, it was the largest of the three, but it was the right choice for me. The SIG P232 is a beautiful gun that shoots wonderful, not sure I would want to fire SD .380 rounds through anything much smaller. The P232 is to big for rear pocket carry, but conceals fine in the front with the proper holster. I carried it yesterday in a vest pocket and it was awesome, much lighter than my Glock 23 with 16 rounds of .40. Here are some pics of the P232.




New member
Until last year I only owned S & W handguns. That includes two J frames for concealed carry but they really don't conceal that well given my needs but boy do they shoot great!

In October I got a new second generation KelTec P3AT (380) for $225, did the fluff and buff mentioned in the online Kel Tec Owners Group. Yes it kinda looks and feels cheap (it is cheap afterall) but has shot all 650 rounds without any problem.

I've made a few adjustments to fit my hand so it is now an excellent natural point shooter for me out to 20+ feet and carries in a completely fussless manner. I do wish it was purtyier.

It is not for everyone but it works great as my 100% EDC....except about 1/4 the time when a J goes.

I believe KT made well over 40,000 of these last year wich I also believe is several times more than any other handgun ... there ARE defects but the KTs lifetime warranty is reputed to be top notch.


New member
Does anyone remember the AMT backup? That was a small SA all stainless steel pistol.

Yes, I do, and I thought very hard about buying one. Nifty little pistols. I went with the S&W "Chief's Special" .38Spl instead, but either one would be a fine BUG.


New member

thanks for all your responses.
The Sig 232 does look like an awesome pistol, but it's a bit pricey. The NAA Guardian actually looks real nice. As does the Walther PPK/S. What advice could you give as far as these 3 pistols go? Is the Sig really worth the extra 200 or 300 bucks? Thanks again


New member
Whether or not the SIG is worth the extra $200-$300 is a question that only you can answer. In my vslue system, when buying a carry gun that your life might depend on, cost should never be a consideration. After all, how much is your life worth??:confused:

IMHO, the SIG is very much worth it. First, it holds it's resale value far better if you ever decide to trade. Second, it's Swiss quality. (German made, but Swiss designed)

And third, it,s....'s a SIG!


New member
cheygriz, with all due respect, i've never been into the "you get what you pay for" mindset. Not to say it hasn't worked for you, but I've just bought too many over-priced products that ended up being just as shoddy as the entry level ones (i.e. guitars, computers, etc.).
I guess what I'm saying is that, if the Sig really is $200-300 better, that's fine. But is it really $200-$300 better?.. or would I just be buying bragging rights. Frankly, I'm not concerned with bragging rights. If I can buy an equivalent quality pistol (that I would trust my life with) for less, I will. No offense, really. Just explaining that, if spending more will actually get me more of a pistol, I'll do it. It just hasn't been my experience in the past.

Willy T

New member
Also, in a worst case scenerio where you have to use it then get sued you can use the "I was carrying the minimum effective power firearm for SD I could find so it is obvious I was not out to kill anyone" defense. They use the opposite view to say people were out to kill someone because they were carrying a huge caliber so the reverse should work too.

That will get you killed my friend.
How can you translate "deadly force" into a caliber. How can any DA do the same infront of 12 jurrors. I know a ham sandwich can be indicted but will not make it to trial court. I would shoot what your local police force shoots. What excuse do they use in court. uuuuuuum..... they dont. I hear this internet myth alot and say If you are alive to fight the "wrongful Death" suit and your gun discharge was just, dont worry. :barf: