Bead Blasting S&W trigger


New member
I have an opportunity to buy a S&W 327PD. However, the seller has bead blasted the trigger and hammer. I believe that the trigger and hammer on the S&W are case hardened, and I'm worried that the bead blasting will have destroyed the hardening, and that that may cause problems with the hammer (at least) failing.

Anyone have any thoughts?
You're confusing metal treatment that hardens the metal with treatment that imparts colors on the surface of the metal.

While the hammer and trigger ARE case hardened (I think to at least some degree, but it's a brave new world with sintered parts), the surfaces are also color case hardened.

In the old days, those wonderful blues, reds, yellows, greens, etc., the case hardened colors, were part and parcel to the case hardening process.

Now days, not so much.

In order to destroy the case hardening, the layer of hard metal surrounding the softer core has to be either heated VERY hot, or it has to be physically removed by filing or grinding.

You're not going to do that with bead blasting.

If anything, bead blasting can make the steel even harder by "working" the metal.

The color patterns on the trigger and hammer, though, those CAN be removed by bead blasting, because they are, essentially, surface oxidazation.


New member
Bead blasting will not harm either the hammer or trigger so no worries there.

What else has been done to the gun however would be my next question.


New member
What else has been done to the gun however would be my next question.
He says he has replaced the rebound slide spring and backed off the mainspring screw. He says he has not polished anything nor ground down the screw, and that it is 100% reliable. And he is nearby, so we are going to meet at the range and try out both his 327 and the one I am offering in trade.


New member
if you are talking about the strain screw it should be tight otherwise there is a chance for misfires
Yes, I know. It can always be re-tightened, but if he had filed it down, I would have to buy a new one. I have reduced power mainsprings I will (try to) use.


New member
I think that S&Ws coloring treatment on their hammers and triggers these days is cosmetic rather than true color case hardening Heck, most of them are MIM parts now, I'm not sure that material can be color case hardened.

I have a 327NG that recently had the hammer bobbed and some action work. The 'smith bead blasted and blued the trigger and hammer, they came out looking nice and no worries about strength. I think the coloring is better now, too.