Beach this weekend but don't wan't to leave the gun at home


New member
I am going to the beach this weekend for SWMBOs birthday, and I don't like the idea of leaving the gun at home. I don't think I would need it for any reason, I just like the idea of always being prepared. I don't have a carry permit so my main concern is leaving it at the beach house unsecured. Should I just not worry about it?


New member
It kind of depends on how many people have keys to the beach house. It might be okay to leave it when you're swimming and if you're just going for a walk, bring it along.


New member
If I was in your situtaion.....I would just put it in a small bag, or case make sure it is unloaded and carry it with me. And if the law allows keep a loaded magazine in reach. When you get back to the beach house load her back up.