be sure to de-zip-tie your glock


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(from )

Man survives self-inflicted gunshot wound

A 63-year-old Libby man suffered minor injuries when he accidentally shot himself in the torso on Sunday.

The accident took place at about 11 a.m. in a parking lot at a recreational area, apparently while the man was climbing into his truck at the Chalet Bearmouth east of Missoula. He was carrying a Glock .40-caliber handgun on a shoulder holster when the gun discharged into the area near his left rib cage.

“The bullet went in near his ribs and came out the other side, leaving a clean exit wound,” said Missoula County Sheriff's Deputy Bill Burt, who responded to the scene. “He wasn't hurt that bad.”


The pistol, which he recently bought at a gun show, had come with an information tag affixed near the trigger with a zip tie. The man said although he had removed the tag, the zip tie was still attached, and must have hooked onto
something as he climbed into the cab of his truck.


New member
yup what he said.He obviously hadnt shot the gun yet either but he was using it as his ccw?I just cant imagine buying a gun,loading it with out inspecting and removing foreign materials then slapping it in a holster without testing/practicing with it and walking out the front door with it.I strip and inspect everything right off the bat put 200 hollow points through it just for it to even be on night stand duty let alone ccw.


New member
KALI, the sad part is most people with guns dont shoot them, the gun sits unfired in a holster or on a shelf and gathers dust. TFL people are a bit different from the "Oh gee i need a gun, I heard of Glock, I'll get one, hmmm whats this tag thingy? Oh well, ive seen enough movies I'm sure I know what I am doing, la-dee-da, what a great day to have my new gun go off into my rib cage!"


New member
The sad truth is for the average person it's much easier

to buy and load a gun than it is to test fire and learn to shoot it properly.
If it wasn't that the government would have to get involved and regulate the process, I would be in favor of having to take classess and prove one's ability before owning a gun.


Moderator Emeritus
The more I think about it, the more something's fishy with the old guy's story.

What kind of shoulder holster points the muzzle at you while leaving enough of the trigger guard exposed forward of the trigger for a zip tie fastened there to ride up onto the trigger, and flops loosely enough away from your body to get snagged on your truck door?

I think Gomer somehow accidentally capped himself while screwing around with his new toy and came up with the best "It just went off!" story he could think of to cover his embarrassment.


Those "glock foh-tays" have a mind of their own, don't they? Very dangerous. Seriously, good idea to remove the ziptie; no argument there....


New member

Might be that same idiot, that cop that his glock just went off in his office while he was ‘picking it up to move it’ as he demonstrated his finger was on the muzzle and hand was only on the grip and POW, bye finger. They are to embarrassed to admit they screwed up so they have to put the blame on something else.


New member
He was carrying a Glock .40

He was the only one qualified to carry a glock 40 :) ka boom.

Sounds all to familiar, same guy? :)

I for one wont be buying a glock 40 any time soon, they are out to get us.


New member
It reminds me of a PD in my local area. They issued the entire department new Glocks a few years ago, but pulled them all back within a few weeks after multiple officers discharged the weapons into their thighs holstering the weapons. Sad to shelf that many new guns when some trigger discipline would have solved it all.

The guy in the story is full of it IMHO I call BS.


New member
He was the only one qualified to carry a glock 40 ka boom.

Sounds all to familiar, same guy?

I get a good laugh every time I watch that video. :D ....but yeah I'm calling BS too. Sounds like he either needed to cover up a story or was just too embarrassed to admit that he's a good candidate for the Darwin Award.


New member
I still stand by my previous statement that shooting yourself by accidentally pulling the trigger with your finger or accidentally pulling the trigger by snagging a zip tie that should have been removed from the gun immediately are equally embarrassing and stupid. If the story is in fact a cover for the fact that he shot himself by pulling the trigger with his finger, he still doesn't appear any smarter.