Be careful out there!


New member
Being that I am now among the unemployed, I get to see what goes on in my small town during the day time. Wow, I need to get back to work. I’m talking on the phone with my daughter that lives 30 miles away and there’s a knock on the door. I look out and see a grubby, toothless guy on my porch. He saw that I was on the phone and said he’d stop back later. I thought to myself, thanks for the warning. I went upstairs and grabbed my two best friends for some assistance, Smith & Wesson, J frame .38 Special. Sure enough the guy came back about 10 minutes later and said he was from some carpet cleaning company from the Quad Cities which is 60 miles from me. Well the B.S. alarm in my head went off, and I put my hand into my back pocket to get a firm hold of “my little stainless steel friend” I had grabbed earlier. This dude wanted to clean and Scotch Guard my living room for free. Yea, right. More like wanted to scope out my house to rob the place next time I’m not home. I told him no thanks, I clean my own carpets, which I do. He walked to the street and got in an old rusty van with three other guys in it, no markings, no company name, nothing. Call me paranoid, but better safe then sorry.

I think I’ll keep “my little stainless steel friend” loaded, and show my wife where it’s kept, just in case.


New member
my preacher or my daughter get a door unlocked and a "welcome"

anyone else gets "State your name / state your business" from behind
a locked door.

And I'm armed at home.



New member
The g-kids were here on the weekend and we made it sound like a war zone for a day. It was late and I didn’t put everything away or clean up the porch after they left. Then I forgot that I hadn’t cleaned up.

Monday afternoon one of the Travelers came by. I answered the knock on the door and the guy was way back at the steps. Okay, that’s good; don’t crowd the door, let the occupant see you from a distance.

He had the typical pitch, “We were making our meat deliveries and have some left over. Good steaks and roasts and we’ll sell cheap because we don’t want to take it back.”

Yeah, right. Same old line. Same old horsemeat.

“I don’t want any,” I replied.

“Thank you, sir,” he said, and made quick tracks back to his truck.

Hmm, a bit odd, thought I. They usually keep coming back with more pitches, sometimes hard to make them see the light and leave.

Then I noticed all the shot up targets laying about, some spent bullets in a tray on the table, and the bucket full of shot up drink cans.


New member
"Then I noticed all the shot up targets laying about, some spent bullets in a tray on the table, and the bucket full of shot up drink cans. "



New member
Mike38/B] I do not find your actions paranoid at all. I would have done the exact same thing. I have one of those steel grated doors as well as a wooden front door at my house. Anyways about two weeks ago I was woken up by someone banging very hard on the steel door. If you have one you would know that if someone is banging on it is not pleasant and very alarming. So I jump out of bed and get my pants on quick. Grabbed my GP-100 and went to investigate. It turns out it was my neighbor trying to get me to move my car because the Homeowner Association finally decided to cut the tree that has been threatening to fall on my driveway for years. I am glad it was just my neighbor. You can never be to cautious or careful.


New member
Nope, one can not be too careful in this day and time. There are a lot of crazy people int the world and they are multiplying way too fast!


New member
Mike it sounds like you used good judgment. My SS friend is in my pocket even at home. Not only show your wife where it is, get some low powered target loads and show her how to use it. The investment in time and money will be well worth it.
I live in the Quad Cities area and I've come across a similar situation not too long ago. Claimed they'd clean my carpet for free, parked in an unmarked van, etc. The crew did have their teeth as I could tell, but didn't exactly look professional to say the least. I politely told them they had just about enough time to immediately vacate the premises before things would get unpleasant.

Sounds like to me it's becoming a popular scam around here. I'm not saying to arm yourself every single time someone comes to the door. But prudent judgment of when to have your choice of protection at close reach is never a bad thing.


New member
I once had a "gentleman" offer to sealcoat my driveway. Its gravel. My neighbor had just been visited by this same person. He was walking toward my house with .44 mag revolver in one hand and his phone in the other calling the sherrif. I opened my door at that point just enough to reveal the twelve gauge I had borrowed from my dad to try to get rid of some wild pests around the house. The guy got ther idea quick and left. Its the same one I got last year from HD. Can't be too careful at all.


+1 what King said.

I'd have also called 911 and reported the incident, with a good description of the guy and his vehicle.


New member
"Then I noticed all the shot up targets laying about, some spent bullets in a tray on the table, and the bucket full of shot up drink cans. "

That is a good idea. Have a silhouette target with a double tap in the heart and a single in the head put up as "decoration" right next to the front door. :D


New member
Sounds perfectly reasonable to me.
We had the "we have extra steaks in the van" guys come by a few weeks ago.
Me and my girl are sitting on the breeze way and some scummy looking dude comes strolling up the driveway.
I stand up and meet him at the screen door when he starts giving me his schpeil.
I let him get about 5 words into it and then told him I was not interested.
He kept talking and started to reach for the handle of the screen door.
I told him there was nothing here for him and we were not interested.
I didnt have a gun in reach but I did have a hammer real close, as I was taking a break from soffit repair on the side of the house.
The only way people will stop trying to steal is when it will no longer be worth it to them.
The only thing they have is their miserable life and that is the last thing they want to lose.

P5 Guy

New member
Tree Trimmers

One or another of the Lawn/Tree service requesters come knocking every other month. No ID,no logo on the truck, no uniform or company ball-cap, and no tools visible. The last group was three young guys and when I didn't answer the door one walked around to the back door and saw me standing there with my Glock pointed his direction. "He gotta gun" and ran like the wind with the rest of the crew. The responding patrolman said I was over reacting and they probably just wanted to mow my lawn. In December the grass doesn't grow much in Florida.
So was this a knock and burgle or if I answered the door would it have been a home invasion?

lee n. field

New member
He walked to the street and got in an old rusty van with three other guys in it, no markings, no company name, nothing. Call me paranoid, but better safe then sorry.

The police have been informed, I trust.

and some scummy looking dude comes strolling up the driveway.

<shrug>. Most everybody looks like that in my neighborhood.


The only way people will stop trying to steal is when it will no longer be worth it to them.

Make a sign:

I'm willing to kill to protect my life and property.
Are you willing to die to take it?


Staff In Memoriam

1. Put a pair of men's work boots outside the front door.

2. Have a copy of Guns & Ammo magazine and your NRA magazines on your outdoor sittin' spot table.

3.Leave a slough of empty shot shells and rifle brass all over the ground.

4. Put a few giant dog dishes next to the boots and magazines.

5. Leave a note on your door that reads:

Hey Bubba, Big Jim, Duke and Slim,

I went for more ammunition and beer. Back in an hour. Don't mess with the
pit bulls - they attacked the mailman this morning and messed him up
real bad. I don't think Killer took part in it but it was hard to tell
from all the blood. Anyway, I locked all four of 'em in the house.
Better wait outside. If ya'll get hot, there is still beer in the cooler out back, I stuck it in Deadly's doghouse, make sure nuff you use that word or she will eat you when you reach in her house!

Back in a bit,


We had the "we have extra steaks in the van" guys come by a few weeks ago.

Is this some sort of FL thing? I have had them every few weeks for almost a year - a few girls in a non-descript van going door-to-door with that guise. Never saw it anywhere else I have lived.

Living in an area with a lot of retired folks does have one advantage - there is always someone around watching and listening. (The fact I have two of the neighborhoods nosiest on either side of me helps a lot too!.....:D)

Mr Dish

New member
An interesting thought to all this worrying about who is knocking on your door....

About 12-13 years ago, right before Christmas, I stopped by a house that I was scheduled to do a DirecTV install at. I had my 10 year old daughter with me since the Christmas break started ( it was the only way we had to spend time together, take her to work with me, and boy did we have alot of fun on Saturdays!). Anyways, this old timer comes out of the house with a shotgun! Scared the kid and me half to death. Turns out his kids ordered it for him and his wife only they weren't there for the "big suprise" quite yet. I have a bad habit of showing up alittle early.

I want you all to remember that with our current economic situation, there are ALOT of self-employed sub/self contractors out there trying to earn aliving. Please, Please, Please don't shoot us! All my Techs are scrubbed, shaved, and have a clip board with your work order on it, or they may be trying to get you to buy locally instead of sending your money to the dealers out of state.

Please ask questions, and give them a few seconds BEFORE you shoot them.
And if any of my guys show up without a shave and a me, I'll shoot em myself...just kiddin'...maybe