Be afraid of a national pistol permit!

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New member
O.K. everyone. I've scanned my New York State pistol permit into the computer. I've eliminated personal information for my privacy, but you'll get the idea. I've done this as a WARNING to the rest of you who don't have to go through this yet. Beware though, This is most likely the type of permit Algore envisions on a national level.

This cost me 80 dollars (plus fingerprinting fees), lots of time, and a local detective had to "interview" four of my "references". It took 6 months to get and that is considered fast. The permit SAYS "License to Carry Permit is Hereby Granted" but counties can "restrict" them, like mine is restricted to Hunting & Target.

Some of you have no idea that firearms are so regulated in some states, so I'm showing you. Oh to be free like Vermont, Arizona, etc...


The first step is registration, the second step is confiscation, the final step is subjugation.


New member
Ouch ! Man that looks socialist. Even list your weapons. I see your right is revocable at any time, what a POS, our .gov has truely gone to hell, sorry you all up there have to deal w/ that crap. Thanks for the heads up though.


New member
I can only hope and pray that the House/Senate fights Gore every step of the way on this crap.

USMC '87-'91


Oregon residents please support the Oregon Firearms Federation, our local "No compromise" chapter of the GOA.

[This message has been edited by Longshot (edited November 09, 2000).]


New member
ya know i have several friends who are very very good at faking ID's and those pictures are perfect for making templates, i mean perfect. just a thought, no i wont tell those friends aobut the pics cause i dont think they need to be faking ID's anyway, but if i ever need one i know where to go at least.
your pics are safe with me, and everyone else here i am sure.

very creepy thing to make a guy have just to own a pistol. scares me.


New member
Heh - When I was in college, we used to make very nice looking Kentucky Drinkers Licenses. They were good enough that I only heard about one of 'em being grabbed by a bar...

Personally, if I looked like that, I'd be really worried about that big hole in my head...


New member
Duh, that is carry permit. Gore is against carry permits. His proposal is a license to simply have a handgun.

If Gore proposed a national shall issue carry system - Hell would freeze over.

Even a national carry system that needs a reason for issuance like NY, is not what he is talking about.


New member
Enoch is right. What I should have said is that Gore wants all firearms licensed and no doubt it would be modeled after the NY permit. Not the carry part, but listing all firearms, and being revokable at any time. I just posted it so that you guys could see how bad NY has it, and that a national permit, even a carry permit, would probably sink to the level of the state that had the strictest requirements.

I am all for national reciprocity. Of course it would be even better if the S.C. just overturned all local laws with one good case recognizing the second as a fundamental right.

The first step is registration, the second step is confiscation, the final step is subjugation.


New member
walang...sorry I have to disagree with that - the government never GAVE me the RKBA; it is mine by virtue of being human, just like the other freedoms which are SPECIFIED (NOT given!) in the bill of rights. Sorry to yell, but this is a very important point to never lose sight of. No government while I am alive and able to fight will take away those rights. I'll move or die.


Actually, I think it's much more preferable if a gov't stupid enough to believe it can unilaterally revoke natural rights moves or dies instead, rather than if you did the moving or dying.

Which is why we had Minutemen at Lexington and Concord.


New member
All of you have a National Pistol Permit - its called the 2nd Amendment. Exercise your rights and carry everyday. My hip hugging friend - Colt .45 1911A1 Full Size.


New member
I would need a whole stack of those cards!! There is no way the could get all my handguns or rifles or shotguns on the back of one card.


New member
maxinquaye, Once you need a license to own, buy, or use some thing it's no longer a right, but has become a privilege, like it or not. So if the government giveth, the government taketh. Both of us know government doesn't give us rights, but steals them away.

"Gun Control is Only to Protect Those in Power"


New member
Wait a minute.....that is happening in AMERICA?

My grandad is turning in his grave. Who would have ever thought....?


New member
NY was a terrible place to be a gun owner. I punched out about 7 years ago, ds1973, I used to be nearly a neighbor of your's, from Lockport. As others have noticed, you not only need a "permit", to secure your constitutional rights, but have to list each and every handgun on it. I understand the NY Republicans have really rolled over on gun owners-I thought there was hope when Cuomo (sp?) was splashed, back in '94.

Good luck ds.



New member
Brianidaho, If I stay in the area, I'll be moving to Niagara County where the permits are "unrestricted" and are true carry permits. I have job prospects out of state, so it's looking good. I can't wait to get out.

jdthaddeus, YES this is happening in America and the same type of people who made this possible in NYS are the same ones controlling those blue areas on the election maps. :(

The first step is registration, the second step is confiscation, the final step is subjugation.


Staff Emeritus
Good thread! But with the pictures, this is way over 100K. Closed for length.

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited November 10, 2000).]
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