BCM love?


New member
So normally, I am not a fanboy, but BCM makes really great products! My first AR was built from parts. Almost all the parts were purchased from BCM's website. Not only was the shipping prompt but all the parts have worked flawlessly. Now, im no LEO or military personnel but I might just send an email telling them how happy I am. Anyone else have BCM love?


New member
I like BCM as well. They have high quality products at a decent price and the customer service and speed of shipping is excellent. I just haven't figured out what to do with all the decals they send. :D


New member
I haven't found reason to change. A lot of BCM love here.




New member
Fishbed, about the only way to get stuff that's consistently out of stock is to sign up for notification when they get that product in. At the height of the AR panic a couple years ago they had uppers and BCGs going out of stock within an hour or two of posting them online. While there was a period where they seemed to have decent stock of most things, it looks like business has picked up again.


New member
Just look at the number of posters in the last 3 months on this forum asking questions about the AR platform. It must be very, very good to be in the AR business. :)


New member
BCM is my favorite AR company and I suggest them whenever I can. Ive had "experiences" with other brands products and subsequent customer service that would make you think they come from a third world country.


New member
Another happy BCM owner here. I love my 14.5" middy. I have yet to have my BCM not eat a round that I load in a mag. It is truly an ammo garbage disposal. It is the one rifle I keep loaded in case SHTF. I know that if I need to pull that trigger it's gonna go bang.
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BCM gets my top shelf love. They do make some wonderful stuff. It is not inexpensive -- I struggled with paying as much for an upper when I was done as a whole rifle! But they made exactly what I wanted and I knew it was the quality I demanded, so, I bit the bullet... Yeah, it's my "one gun" too.


New member
What Fishbed said, I was initially going to go with BCM for my last AR-last year but everything was always out of stock. Decided to go w/DD and have been really happy. I guess I can be more patient for my 3rd rifle and get the BCM this time, just a matter to decide what setup.

Bart Noir

New member
I just haven't figured out what to do with all the decals they send.

I took care of that problem. My friend is a shooter and a musician. His guitar cases sport all kinds of interesting stickers, now to include some BCM ones.

Bart Noir

Bart Noir

New member
Saw some tips on buying from BCM over on the Lightfighter forums. Where, by the way, that brand is almost revered....

If you buy the upper separately from the lower, you pay the 10% federal excise tax only on the lower. That is because the upper, by itself, is not a firearm. And that will cost you less than the extra shipping charge for placing 2 orders, or so they say on that forum.

And BCM sells lowers with blemishes, which are reputed to be significantly cheaper. A long list of posters told how they could not reliably even find the blemishes, or if they did find them, the blemishes didn't matter. One guy said the color inside the mag well was not even. Big deal :D

Bart Noir
Whose only BCM part is the new charging handle.


New member
I just wish their website wasn't always out-of-stock on every item I ever wanted!

I find this true with alot of AR company's. I have ordered a few things from them and shipping was fast. Can't ask for much more other than there website is a little slow at times.

Bart Noir

New member
Nitesites, thanks for that info factoid. That may explain some confusion I had about competing designs.

Their (BCM) marketing is not all dumb hype. The original charging handle design is rather weak if it is moved only with the left hand. Mr. Stoner probably never even considered that people might use it that way.

Bart Noir