BB shot?


New member
Now this is going to sound like a dumb question, but hey it's a question i'm not 100% positive on so I guess there's no harm in asking here. I'm home from school today so that I can be home when some car parts for a car my dad's working on get delivered. Anyways, I go in the garage to make room and clean up a bit. I then come across a coffee can with a bunch of junk in it. Inside there was a few .22LR cartirdges and a 7.62mm. Also what I found in there was 6 16 gauge shells and on the side of the shells, I couldn't really make out the shot weight, but could make out the shot size. It was BB. Now my question is are those the same type of BB shot that is shot from a BB gun? I have no use for 16 gauge shells because I know no one in my area that owns a shotgun in that gauge. I figured I can just take the shells apart and salvage the BBs for my CO2 pistol if they are the same type of BBs i'm thinking of.

So are they the same type of BBs i'm thinking of?


New member
BB shot is .18" in diameter, and therefore basically the same size as airgun BB's (.177" diameter). They could be made out of a different material, however, such as lead, whereas the airgun BB's are always made of steel. They MAY work in a BB gun, but it'd probably be a really tight fit.


New member
Ok thanks, i'll give it a shot later on after I finish up some emails to family. Also, i'm positive they're steel shot because in the coffee can there was some tiny magnet strips stuck to the sides of some of the shells.


New member
Well, I took apart one of the shells and noticed right away that these "BBs" were not nearly as uniformed as real BBs meant for BB guns. However, the ones that weren't deformed looking did just fine in my CO2 gun. Too bad they weren't lead BBs because that would have been cool to try out in my high powered air rifle.