BB Gun Wars...whos a survivor?


New member
I've brought this up here before quite awhile back, and its come up in another thread here recently.

I know perfectly well about the "rules", but I also know how we were as kids (he11, I'm still doin it!) and if its anything like before, theres more of us here who didnt listen to their mom's, than those what did. :)

So, are you a survivor, or do you wear an eye patch? (Mom's aint always right ya know.) :)


New member
Yup, I'm a survivor. Back when I was 11 or 12 I had the eyesight to see 'em coming. Hindsight says it was rather stupid.
I have survived many bb gun wars. My brothers and I used to battle with our pump action rifles all the time. There was no such thing as paintball when I was a kid and even if there was, it would have not been available to a bunch of poor country hicks like us.

I now have my Smart Parts Ion with which to lay waste to my friends.


New member
Have a dark spot in the palm of my hand from one. Later, us farm kids wised up and loaded up with milo. At least it was frangible, and innaccurate enough that hits were a rarity. You could drop 10-15 berries down the barrel and have a shotgun for clearing grainaries, barns, and the iron pile (Who ever occupies the grain tank of a 403 International combine is nearly inconquerable) !
Damn, I miss youthful stupidity!
Rock and apple wars are a whole other topic, not to mention sling shots.
Our favorites were mud clod battle...or "fire in the hole". That is when you go into the cellar or garage and take the sticks of of bottle rockets, light them on the floor, and then run around dodging like mad as they streak erraticly around the room and hope they do not explode in your face.
I thought we were safe because we used the one pump rule
One pump is for wusses. :)


New member
Survivor here. We had Daisy Golden Eagles and Sears Ted Williams BB guns and cowpie grenades. Guys with the then new pump up guns had a one pump rule.

My dad worked in the coal mines and had a lot of personal protection gear including faceshields and goggles which were put to good use in our brush fire wars.


Survivor. I fought in dozens of battles against 12-32 armed German plastic soldiers in the jungles of my backyard and picking off defenders of their fortresses:cool:

Although I did recieve the purple heart for being wounded shooting againt a dart board in the garage. A BB bounced back and hit me in the arm:D


New member
I'm more into airsoft or paintball wars. Can't exactly say I've ever been in a BB gun war because my experiences were nothing more than one of my friends shooting me in the bum with a BB gun when I wasn't paying attention. :(

Double J

New member
BB Gun Wars

-- Oh man, flashbacks to a corncrib "fort" and a brass barreled Bengi. Survived some nasty wounds, like a pellet through a finger nuckle( somebody cheated). Dear old Mom dug several BB's out of her kids.
-- We'd build bunkers in the slab pile in our family's sawmill and snipe each other. Night fights where a blast. Rotten tomatoes made good grenades to flush the enemy so they could be shot to craps. Sometimes afterwards walking home, there would be some wise guy that was a sore looser, and a back shooter to boot. Then it became a close quarter, run for your life type battle. Lots of fun. A wonder no one died.

Yep I was in the BB gun wars, One time I charged out into the open and tried to take out the other teams best guy..... I got a chipped tooth for my trouble :eek:


New member
Ahhh. The good ole days. One pump close range, 2 pump long range. Woodshop goggles and jean jackets.

Then there was the metal trash can lid and pump pistol for those that liked to get in close.


New member
One pump is hard to do with one of these bad boys. Lets just say that the one on top is mine and it generates a lovely wall of plasticy doom. (orange paint flaked off on its own, and it has since been repainted).

Anyone want to get shot 10-15 times?



New member
Ohhhhhhh yeah.

Still have a BB stuck in the skin 1.5 inches above my right eye. Didn't want my parents to take my gun away so I never told them. When it finally healed and didn't hurt to touch I realized the BB was still in there. Keep it as a reminder not to be a dumbass. :eek:

Evil Dog

New member
Yes, survived the bb gun wars... also a pump action ping pong ball shooting gun and lots of ninja style thrown 45 RPM records. The current crop of Airsoft guns? Things look so real that were one pointed at me I would probably shoot the person holding it before I ever noted the orange muzzle.