Basic Firearm Ignorance


New member
O.K., I have overlooked and ignored all I can about the ignorance of the people on T.V. who are describing guns, and I'm not even going to mention the anti-gunners' erroneous position. I just simply couldn't ignore these. They are just too stupid.

1.a .22 caliber shotgun
2.a 22mm handgun don't need hollowpoints for home defense. They are used specifically to kill, and for no other reason.

They know all about what would help the mass killing situation, though. Just ask them.


New member
Well, the one I heard the other day went something like "he fired upwards of 100+ rounds! That takes some serious strength and muscle control!" (This coming from the FBI) Wow, had no idea I was so far above the 'strength and muscle control' curve since an average range day is never less than 250+ rounds for me, and I can't say I ever felt it during or afterward.


New member
I really hate to hear anyone say really ridiculous things as I previously mentioned unless they are trying to learn. I have a lot to learn myself, but I think some people need to retract their noses back out of something they don't know anything about, and be silent.....and you know who they are.


New member
I have seen a comment that semi-automatic guns could fire 15 rounds/second. Good luck with that.

Also a revival of Bill Ruger's "no honest man needs" a magazine that holds more than 10 rounds. As if Cho did not reload multiple times.
The comment was not attributed and the writer might not even know that he was quoting somebody.

This is the root of my antipathy towards the man, btw. S&W was under pressure when they cut a deal with HUD - gun owners had not made their presence felt while voting (not an excuse, but first part of comparison). Bill Ruger was under no such pressure.

So here I am, haunted by his quote again.


New member
I don’t know why so many of you guys get bent out of shape over mistakes made by TV reporters discussing guns. Gun shop employees should probably know better, and most do, but TV reporters can’t be expected to know everything there is to know about all the subjects they report on. If you had to do a report on an explosion in a refinery, would you know enough about chemical engineering to fully describe the processes involved in the disaster? Well, they don’t either, and they make mistakes, but it doesn’t detract from one’s general understanding of the news story. I see lots of posters on this site using the possessive “your” when they mean "you're" - the contraction for “you are” - and while this strikes me as being somewhat ignorant, I understand what they’re trying to say. So, lighten up a bit…


New member
I don’t know why so many of you guys get bent out of shape over mistakes made by TV reporters discussing guns. Gun shop employees should probably know better...

Because a much smaller portion of the general public ever go into a gun store, and most that do have at least a basic idea what they're looking for or talking about. But a LOT of people watch the news. And by damned, if it's broadcast by CNN, NBC, or FOX, then it MUST be true! It's one thing for a gun store clerk to tell a few people something stupid. It's something else for someone who is widely viewed, well recognized, and supposedly credible to spout off with completely rediculous misinformation.


New member
If you had to do a report on an explosion in a refinery, would you know enough about chemical engineering to fully describe the processes involved in the disaster?

Do you mean that knowing the processes in a chemical disaster is equivalent to knowing how to identify a firearm used in a massacre? I would think that it would be relatively simple to get that straight. If that isn't correct, what else is incorrect? They are supposed to be responsible with their reporting. I see no similarity at all.

You are assuming that I am only talking about T.V. reporters--wrong again.


but TV reporters can’t be expected to know everything there is to know about all the subjects they report on.

That is what staff researchers are for, to fill in the blanks so the talking head doesn't look empty.


New member
Reporters - print or media - need to understand a subject enough to explain things. They have a responsibility to learn - and a staff of researchers.
There were a bunch of law enforcement people roaming around. One might be able to help. They managed to find both gun stores and the pawn shop where he bought/transfered his guns. Think they might know?


New member
JayCee-- :)

In all fairness, you have a point, and I can't speak for everyone else, but I think most of us probably see these people as anti-gunners. I can assure you that they, more than likely, aren't our friends. I believe that is why I am so quick to jump on them. :)


New member
Reporters should report the facts and if they don't know the facts, should do a little reserch before they confuse the people that are listening. A lot of people actually believe what they see and hear on the media. One of the local news stations was going off on the Missouri right to carry a few years ago, and showed a person firing a semi automatic pistol, but the audio was fully automatic. Blatantly deceiving.


New member
akr said:
O.K., I have overlooked and ignored all I can about the ignorance of the people on T.V. who are describing guns, and I'm not even going to mention the anti-gunners' erroneous position. I just simply couldn't ignore these. They are just too stupid.

1.a .22 caliber shotgun

I used to have one. It was the Marlin "Garden Gun" and was a smooth bore .22 bolt action.

So, .22 shotguns do exist, although I doubt the reporter knew the difference.


New member
If you had to do a report on an explosion in a refinery, would you know enough about chemical engineering to fully describe the processes involved in the disaster?

As Tucker Carlson so eloquently pointed out, you do need to know about what you're talking about when you're pushing for legislation (as many talking heads are doing implicitly). The same would be, and is, 100% true for refinery processing as well as guns. Don't make a barrel shroud illegal if you don't know what it is... Don't ban the use of dihydrogen monoxide, even if it does cause 4000 deaths per year, causes wear in metal objects, and makes mosquito populations boom until you realize it's water?


New member
Here is one I liek from the Brady Bunch:

If Godzilla were a sportsman, the .50-caliber sniper rifle would be his instrument.

This is a weapon that can shoot down airplanes or helicopters from more than a mile away. :confused:

Its bullets can penetrate armored vehicles and exterior walls.


New member
GunOwner said:
if by magic all the guns float away into space, sure the world would be better off, but that is not reality. the guns arent going to dissapear, and the bad guys will always wish to do you harm.



New member
One must always remember people have been killing each other often in large numbers since there were large numbers of people. This predates firearms of any nature. What the anti-gun people say is absolutely true but very misleading as usual. IF we eliminate guns there will be no more gun crimes. this is a correct statement. What they imply by this is there will be no more violent crime. this is absolutely false.. As alway what you here in the mass media may be true but you must learn to listen closely. The VT killings were the worst shooting spree in a school on our history. They imply the worst killing in a school that is false. the worst was in 1927. A member of the school board dynamited his school. The toll was 45 dead 58 injured.


New member don't need hollowpoints for home defense. They are used specifically to kill, and for no other reason.

I saw that one too ! the retired ATF agent said that..

that is the funniest thing I ever heard. like, as if GUNS are NOT made for killing.

If you have a gun for home defense, it isnt gonna be swung around like a bat. IT IS FOR KILLING !

lord help me...

Yes, when I heard it, I didn't get exactly who said it. That makes him even more ignorant in my mind......really screwed up. I thought it was ignorant when that San Mateo, Cal. police spokesman, who was in his fifties, kept calling magazines "clips". He spends a whole career calling them clips instead of magazines. Good gosh! :barf: