Barret rifles fighting the War on drugs?


New member
Saw this picture in the Chicago Tribune. The caption was: "Independence Day parade
Mexican Army elite troops shout military slogans Tuesday during the Independence Day military parade in Mexico City."
I am pleased that Barret is selling rifles and making money. It is too bad they are not seling these north of the border to the government of California.


  • Mexican Army with Barrets.jpg
    Mexican Army with Barrets.jpg
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Rant Casey

New member
It's a shame civilians north of the border in CA can't own them. Barrett is a company with principles, unlike many other gun companies.


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I saw this one in my local newspaper... The 2nd guy from left (in focus) looks like he's really gettin into the spirit of things ;)

You know what they say about walking softly....


New member
Barret rifles fighting the War on drugs?
Given the reports on the Mexican government's lack of efforts to stem the drug trade, I have to wonder whose side they are fighting on.


New member
There will NEVER be any "stemming of the flow" of drugs across our border from Mexico---UNTIL the day comes that the Mexican government no longer profits from the drug trade.

In case you haven't figured it out, or have not heard, the Mexican government is fully in support of the drug trade. Anything you see or hear on the news about actions being taken to stop the drug trade by the Mexican government are simply proposed plans to make you-the gullible-believe that they are actually going to do something to stop it.

Kind of like the US building a fence to stop illegal immigrants and yet NOTHING is being done to the millions that are here, and nothing happens to the people that employ them, and they still get FREE health care (at yours & my expense), and they still drive with no licenses, no insurance, no registration, no state inspections-and no driving SKILLS! The fence idea was never meant to stop the flow of illegals, it was simply meant to placate those of us bitching & complaining about the costs to Mr. Taxpayer (you & I). When you complain about illegals, the government points to their "fence program" and says-"Hey, we are trying can't you see?".

So, you can live in la-la land if you want, or you can face this one simple fact: In your lifetime, you will never see an end to the drug trade, or illegal immigration.

Drugs & Illegals are only the symptoms of the actual problem. The real problem is greed & corruption and both the Mexican, & the US, government are up to their eye-brows in it. It's all about the mighty dollar.


New member
I shot a .50 BMG on Sat and WOW what a gun. I could probably sell a few toys and pick up a Rifle, but the Ammo Costs are crazy. Most guys were telling me $4 - $5 per round is what they are paying now. I guess with all the drug money they can afford the ammo.:)


New member
Kawabuggy, do you have any proof of that? Any anything to back up your claims? Or are you just playing the conspiracy theorist?

I'm not saying your wrong, I'm just curious.


New member
Over last weekend, there was an item in our local paper about a significant stash of cash uncovered by Mexican LE. I'm sorry to confess, my first thought was that it had been in the possession of a Mexican politician, my second thought was that it was drug money.
There is a lot of Documentation of elements of the Mexican gov't supporting the drug trade, and has been for years. The problem is the involved elements have come o represent a huge portion of he Mexican Gov't, largely by assassination and intimidation. There was an attempt to raise a crack unit similar to Eliot Ness's "Untouchables," like the Chicago police department they found young men with no families or ties to anyone fragile are just as easily seduced by big house, fast cars, and young women, as old men with too many scars and a limited pension plan. Zetas now control a large part of the cross border drug trade and have eliminated all movements to stop the drug trade.


I am pleased that Barret is selling rifles and making money. It is too bad they are not seling these north of the border to the government of California.

Not a welcome sentiment here, Bosshoff.

Ronnie Barret is a hero in the firearms community for his stance with regards to California Laws and California Law Enforcement eligibility to purchase his rifles. I applaud his decision to stand on the moral high ground of this issue. One of his rifles are on my "short list" to buy as a result of his actions... I could get a Vulcan or other competitor, but I feel I must support a man with such convictions.

I have a suspicion that were one of Mr. Barret's rifles to be found to have shot an American while in the hands of a Mexican soldier, the entire country of Mexico would get cut off as well.

The only reason that Mexico receives product from Mr. Barret is because they are not ruled by the US Constitution, whereas California has decided to abstain from following that document to which they pledged a statehood contract.


New member
A late response to an older thread.

Azredhawk44, I was just searching for a thread, and came upon this old thread of mine. I just read your reply now, which I missed. I think you misconstrued my sentiment in my original post. When I said it was too bad Barrett was not selling these in CA., this was not a statement against Barrett, but a commentary on the poor political/gun environment in CA. My thoughts are that it is too bad CA. is so anti-gun, and because of the stance the CA. Govenment has taken, they have been cut-off by Barret. I too have a lot of respect for Barret.


New member
whats the sidearm, automag v or 500 magnum? half inch holes in bad guys all the way:D

what exactly places barett aside from other companies?