Barrel Length.


New member
I have a H&K compact in 357sig. Barrel length is 3.58 inchs.

I found that Barstow barrels makes a barrel for the compact model at 5.5inches. They come as semi drop in or fitted, with a price tag at @200.00$.

They claim this barrel shrink groups,[compared to factory offerings] and with added length - FPS would increase.

Does anyone here use a Barstow barrel in one of thier autos? If so, were you happy with thier product.

Thanks for any replies.


George Helser

New member

I don’t have a Barstow barrel but do have some comments:
- A longer pistol barrel has potential for higher velocity if the friction is equal.
- A longer barrel is not inherently more accurate.

Good luck!

In sunny Arizona


New member
I have a BarSto barrel for my SIG and find their workmanship superior to the factory barrels. This company has an excellent reputation among competitive shooters.

If the barrel is hand fitted by a pistolsmith you can probably expect a modest accuracy improvement, but not simply because of increased barrel length. The fit of the barrel to the slide can probably be improved over your factory job due to the hand fitting, but note that you are not increasing your sight radius. Velocity may be increased slightly by a longer barrel.

If this is a carry pistol, it's gonna be clumsy. It may also be tight. Most combat pistols sacrifice some accuracy for the increased reliability that comes with looser fits. "Accurized" pistols may be hair-splittingly accurate, but they sometimes have reliability problems...something to consider in a carry pistol.

Dave T

New member
I have had five Bar-Sto barrels for Glocks. All were of the "semi drop-in" persuasion. One went in the gun and has functioned 100% since. Another had to be fitted by a local gunsmith. Another broke in after several hundred rounds. The fourth would not go in the slide and I sent it to them (they fitted it for free and paid return shipping). It has worked fine since. The last one I just sent them the gun and had it fitted by them to insure it would work reliably as it was for a carry gun (Glock 36).

In all this experience I have been impressed by their quality, workmanship and support. They say up front that the "semi drop-in" barrels may or may not fit so don't get mad if they don't work immediately.

I have noticed a slight to moderate increase in accuracy with the Bar-Sto barrels. What hasn't been mentioned by the other posters is that I get higher velocity from the standard length Bar-Sto barrels than from the factory barrel. I think this is probably due to the tighter chambers.

If you are willing to spend the money they are without doubt one of the best aftermarket barrels available. My recommendation would be to have them fit the barrel (I'm referring to the "semi drop-in") to insure functional reliability.

Pistol Meister

New member
I have a Bar-Sto 9mm conversion barrel for my SIG P239. I got the barrel for cheaper range shooting (cheap-o Wal-Mart 9mm @ $10.95/100 is tough to beat).

I did NOT get the 5.5" barrel, but now I wish I did. Since I don't carry with the 9mm conversion barrel, the extra length wouldn't be a down-side.

As for accuracy, the Bar-Sto is more accurate than my SIG factory barrels. Mine is the semi-drop in (needed a little encouragement before it "dropped in"). Call Irv Stone. He is the "Sto" in Bar-Sto. He is a good resource and may help you in your decision.



New member

did you get the 5.5 inch barrel yet.i just got a 40 barrel for my hk uspc now i need a 5.5 ported barrel for it in 357 it more accurate with the 5.5


New member
I talked to someone last week at Barsto about a drop-in for a USP Compact. I asked if the longer barrel would increase accuracy and he said it more likely would decrease it and that sight radius was more important for accuracy. I asked what the longer barrels were for and he said it was for people who liked to hang things on the end of their gun.