Barrel de-resonator


New member
Has any of you fellas come to this fork in the road? I need to know the pro's and the con's of this accessory!

Thanks for coming!:cool:
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New member
Never needed a resonator for my hunting rifles and the bullet always went where I aimed.

I would say try the rifle without the de-resonator and check the group size. The put the de-resonator on and see if it shrinks the group size. If there is no change send it back and get your money back. :mad: If the group size decreases dramatically keep it. :D

It might shift you point of impact a little but ignore that. group size is what I would concentrate on unless it makes some drastic changes to your POI :eek: then definitely send it back.


New member
I've heard they decrease the barrel whip, tightening the group a little, being placed at just the right spot to stop the vibrations. There is supposed to be a certain way to find the spot, I think it has something to do with tapping on the barrel.

I don't know much more than that though.

If no one else responds that can tell you better I would take it to the range and shoot groups of at least 5 shots each, and move it down the barrel an inch or so each time.

Start with a few shots groups without though so you know what it does without it. And then a few with out it after all the test shots to make sure nothing has changed.

Take plenty of ammo from the same batch.

Shoot from the bench totally still with no muscle movement in the shot.

Shoot during a time of day that the temp is steady and not rising or dropping dramatically, such as the morning, or evening.

Not to mention any other variable you can take out of the equation.

Good Luck


New member
Maybe we should back up a little bit..on second thought.

What kind of Rifle is it?
What do you use it for.
What size groups do you get off the bench with it now?
What are your expectations for the group size you want at what range?
Is it possible there are other mechanical problems with the Rifle?


New member
I was always extremely skeptical of those.

But if you wanted to buy one and give us a range report, I wouldn't mind that at all!! :D


New member
Just saw an add in the Bass-Pro catalog and thought maybe somebody has tried them. I don't have my newest targets downloaded yet, (sometime today I hope) but my rifle shoots beautifully. My son and I were just wondering about the theory and whether it really works. If you ever watch Babe Winkleman hunting shows, he usually has one of these on his rifle. No we thought that maybe it's a dramatic effect or something..I'll try to post what my Weatherby Vanguard did yesterday, with it's sight in, break in!!!!:D

Thanks for coming!:cool:
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New member
Here it is fellas, not real bad for and older youngman(47) with a heavy heartbeat, that I can never overcome it seems, at the range!!!It was 85 degrees, no wind, and it was humid, The only problem I could complain about was my shooting glasses fogging up and getting sweat allover them.:eek: I took some of the advice from another thread I had posted about barrel- break in, and decided to sight in at the same time. This target shows a progressive scope adjustment to my zero which is 3 -3.5 at 100yds, 5 shots taken with cooling period between each shot. If I scored it correctly it's a frogs hair under 1/2 inch. With me shootin that's about as good as I can do.;)
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