Barrel Break In


New member
This has propli been asked before but I couldn't find it using the search option. So I will ask you all again. I have just ordered at 6.8mm SPC upper from Rock River Arms and it came in the mail today. It is a 16 in free floated barrel. I was wondering how you would break in the barrel. shots 1-5 run a swab through then run one through after the next few 5 shot groups? does that seem about right?


New member
Clean thoroughly upon arrival, go shoot, clean thoroughly afterward. Unless you have a different routine, break in has been heavily debated, some do it some don't, whichever you prefer. I personally don't think it makes any difference on any halfway decent barrel. Congrats on the new firepower BTW:D


New member
Thanks... I am pretty excited to get out and shoot it... but the damn weather here doesn't listen.. 30-40 mph winds and it snowed then rained for the last 2 days and tonight is more snow! ah!!! :mad:


New member
I would love to but I have been at work and Living in town I can't get back to the farm till least 3 hours after dark. But tonight I don't care! I will be using a flashlight to light up the target if need be!


New member
It's a tube. It has spiral grooves in it. What's to "break in"? Surface finish? probably a 32 or 16 finish. That will not improve by passing high temperature gas through it, or hard metal bullets either. the barrel is accurate because of its straightness, lack of taper, and vibration characteristics, bedding of action etc. I repeat, what's to break in?:D


New member
Couldn't tell you but gun writers talk about it all the time and so do a few others here and there. I would say any extra material or small burrs left from the machining excess crome from the barrel or maybe just the heat the finish up I have no idea


New member
Clean thoroughly upon arrival

+1 Some barrels are bore lapped and cleaned as a final step by the maker, but most production rifles are not. I use a 500 watt work lamp and put on 3X glasses to inspect the first swabs I put through. It's amazing how much crap you can find and I’ve had patches that sparkled with all the machine particles they collected. The first cleaning, before it's ever fired is probably the most important cleaning in your rifles life.

After that, I'm sort of middle of the road. I at least pull a bore snake through between shots for the first 10 shots to pull out anything that gets worked off the edge of factory fresh rifling, and put just a couple of drops of oil on the tail of the bore snake. After 40 rounds or the end of the session - whichever comes first, I give it an honest, thorough cleaning and call it good.


DPMS recommends cleaning after every shot for the first ten shots, then cleaning every ten shots until you hit 50 rounds.


New member
I waited as long as I could. I have followed a break in procedure ever since I started shooting. I seem to always have more accurate rifles than my friends and hunting companions and I do believe it is in part due to my break in and care.

I have used Krieger’s procedure for a number of years now and have experienced better than normal accuracy from a number of rifles. Am I just lucky when I have a rifle that is identical to others but mine is more accurate with even factory loads or is it due to the break in and care that I give it? I can’t answer that for sure but I have seen enough over the years that says why not try it; all you are investing is time.

Here is a link to Krieger’s information on break in and care of your barrel. Check it out, if you like it and believe any of it great, if you don’t that’s fine too.

They point out the differences between finished lapped and non lapped barrels.



New member

Wow, I know some will find that amusing, me, I find it disturbing. That just shows his mentality concerning just about everything. It’s that kind of behavior that gives gun owners bad reputations.

Who throws their rifle around like an idiot? That’s just ridiculous. In my eyes he is not mature enough to own a firearm.

That is my take on it and not necessarily correct just my opinion.

It seems we all clean our guns to much. Its just more fun getting my guns all nasty and full of grit and grime. I thought if a gun doesn't come with a cleaning kit then cleaning is optional. Don't most gun makers test fire the finished product? If so why is it so important for us as the first owner to act like it's a mess of metal shavings when we get it out for the first time. Just a thought do we spend more money over the years cleaning our guns then we actually paid for them?


New member
I think the term break is very overused. Not even an accurate description in my book. Conditioning might be a better description. Conditioning what. Conditioning the bore to pick up less foulings, thereby extending the cleaning intervals, thereby allowing the gun to shoot more accurately for extended periods. Everything is relative. To be so naive as to think a thoughtful consorted effort of conditioning a new or used bore as pure folly is to be IMO naive. The amount of love we get is equal to the amount of love we give.....even to a gun ;)


New member

That Youtube link is video footage of a true moron in action.

Reason: it does NOT matter whether the rifle was real or not, he showed disregard in either case. It portrays someone who thinks he's bein cute imposing a careless behavior to any that watch it. Harmless joke? Think again.

I am in total agreement with you j. It is footage of an individual who has no respect for that respect for a firearm gets people hurt or killed. He is the type of person who gives this subject a bad name.

Another thing to add...if his "break-in" procedure is for real...he needed to keep it to himself and not post it where millions of people can witness his stupidity. His gun, his money, let him trash PRIVATE.

Food for thought: would anyone in their right mind go hunting or shooting with someone like that? joke or no joke? Don't think so. Ain't cool at all.

break in...errr conditioning. Just me,...I clean the bore before the first shot,...allow cooldown, and clean after every shot - for 20 shots. Then I clean after 5 shots for 20 shots. Voodoo? Annal? Maybe, beats throwing it on the rocky ground. Just a stickler for clean firearms, and rounding out any burrs and micro scratches.

Brad Clodfelter

New member
A little food for thought to a few comments. And remember everyone has their opinion on barrel break in do's and don'ts. But the shoot and clean for so many rounds in my honest opinion is just wasted effort on the shooters part. Shooting a bullet down the barrel does a heck of a lot more to the inside of a rifle barrel as for knocking off any burrs or imperfections left in the manufacturing process than any rod and cleaning brush would even begin to do.


New member

It is my understanding that the cleaning is not to help the actual "break in" but to keep the copper from building up while the barrel is still a little on the new side.

I have bought a few rifles that have been so copper fouled that one could barely notice rifling, not a joke.

Just to make a point you have people like me who clean too much, I know I do, I just have a hard time not doing it, and it’s a problem of mine with everything.

Then you have those that think of a firearm in the manner that many think of a car; in the case of a car they believe that you simply put gas in the tank and go, in the case of the firearm they think that you load it and go.


Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
Shooting a bullet down the barrel does a heck of a lot more to the inside of a rifle barrel as for knocking off any burrs or imperfections left in the manufacturing process than any rod and cleaning brush would even begin to do.

That's the whole point.

Step 1: Bang
Step 2: Clean out the stuff the bang "knocked off"
Step 3: repeat

I've said it before: It's 12 extra cleanings (I do shots 1-10, 15, 20) it can't hurt (unless you're an idiot) and it COULD help, so why not?


New member
That stupid video

Someone pointed me to this video when I asked this question a while back.


Why take your advise from someone who treats their rilfe like that...

One point that he seems to over look in the video is that is not a new rifle....

Jack ass...people like that guy give us all a bad name.

I can't beleive some of the comments on that video how ever ... some people think that is proper use???