Barrel break-in procedure


New member
I know there's a thread on the break-in procedure of a new rifle, but I had a computor crash about 2 months ago and am just getting back to TFL.
I have just purchased a new Knight Stoner SR-15 Match rifle, and would like to reread the thread on barrel break-in.
Thanks in advance,


New member
As I read through those old threads I cringed at the thought of people still actually using wire brushes and abrasives on their barrels.:confused:

Scrrrreeeeech. Ughghghgh... :barf: gives me the willies

Anyone that still thinks running metal on metal, or rocks on metal, will make said metal better deserves to have to buy new barrels. I, myself, have yet to need to buy a new one and I don't use anything but cloth patches.


New member
Get some carbide flour and some wheel bearing grease, dip your bullets in wheel bearing grease and dip in the carbide flour, coating evenly. Insert cartridges singly into chamber so as not to disturb the "secret" coating. Fasten rifle in vise and pull trigger with string. Repeat as necessary. :rolleyes:

Or, you can read the threads quoted above concerning the late, great Gale MacMillan's advice. :p


Humm, I still don't know about this break in stuff...I think it is a farse. I asked when I bought my VMatch if there was anything special to do...Answer, Go shoot it.
I bought my M1A, same question same answer. My Stoner M4, same question same answer.....and now my Savage 110FP, you guessed it.

I clean them after every session with 1 pass of a brass brush and then bore mop until clean then a coat of CLP.

But that is what I have done for years, even with my Competition pistols.

Just an opinion....But I am not gonna look like some nit wit at the range. 1 Shot, break out the cleaning kit, run aound the table 4 times, drop down say a pray that may the Gun God's bless this rifle and then take another shot and repeat the above.

Hey Big G....where can we get some of that Carbide Flour....Maybe we could package it and sell it :rolleyes: to those in need.


New member
Nothing magic about breaking in a barrel. Clean it, load it and fire it. It's broken in.



New member
I ran one wet and two dry patches through the Haemmerli match barrel
on my K31, went to prone, and shot a 89 point group on the first
attempt. Dialed in the peep sight and the second ten-shot-group made
96 points, of course, always at 300m on the standard Swiss Army A

My SIG 510, badly abused and probably never 'perfectly' broken in,
still does 88 points with ten-shot groups. Which ain't too bad for a
semi-auto. Once you have to shoot the barrage stage at the
Swiss Federal shooting festival, you want a semi-auto.


New member
For cleaning I use MPRO-7 cleaner a nylon brush and patches. As far as barrel break-in goes, I think its hogwash.............Just shoot the dern thing.