Barnes TSX Bullets, Worth It?


New member
Many reloaders seem to be opting for the TSX these days so I thought I'd give some a try. Went to Sportsman's Warehouse and they wanted $30 for 50 120g in 7mm:eek: (for my 7mm-08). That compared to roughly $10/50 for most cup & core Sierras, Hornady's etc. So why are they so darned expensive and would I see any practical difference using them for whitetails?


New member
TSX are new and trendy and have a lot of marketing expense to recoup. No game animal in the world will know the difference. The only difference you'll notice is that the little pieces of bullet in your mouth will be copper alloy instead of lead alloy. Well, that and the extra $20 missing out of your wallet.


New member
I acquired 55 TSX's (.257 120gr) for my .25-06 in a trade, and I loaded some up to test. All I will be shooting with them is Alabama Whitetails, but they came in the trade so what the heck. Anyway, my Savage Tactical will shoot 1/2 MOA all day long with 117gr Hornady Spitzer BT's and 36.7gr IMR 3031, so even though everything I read says the Barnes won't shoot quite as good I figured they'd still be ok. Long story short, I got them to the range and the absolute best they'd do was 2" at 100 yds, and the POI is not even close to my 117 SPBT's. So I have moved the TSX's I still have loaded back to the back of the cabinet for 'Emergency Only.' Our Rangemaster at work said he's tried them in couple of other various chamberings with similar crappy luck. My .02


New member
Are these bullets solid copper ? 120gr is the upper end bullet weight for the 25-06 a 120gr solid copper bullet maybe to long for your barrel twist.


I havent killed anyhting with them and I've shot about 100 of them in load development in various cartridges... but my bud Hans just popped a Kodiak brown with 165 TSXs out of a Blaser 300 UM, one shot...dont have all the details yet.....

WildilikefancybulletsAlaska TM


New member
i for one can attest to the effectiveness of the TSX's

this was my first year to use a high powered rifle (300 wm), reload, and hunt.

My stepdad is the one that turned me on the the barnes bullets. In the past he has always used the barnes x bullet. But we thought we would give the TSX's a chance.

While they are expensive they do work great, and are very accurate. At the range i was getting less than 1 inch groups at 100 yards out of my stock browning abolt.

I went elk hunting a few weeks ago with that rifle and 168 gr TSX's. I hit him right behind the shoulder at 330 yards and he walked about 5 yards and dropped.

Sure he might have dropped that fast with another round, but i can say that i will never use another bullet. Use what works right?

The initial cost to find the right load was pricey, took me 1 box of 50 to find the sweet load, and then sighting it in. But from now on i will be able to just load up and go. I am confident with a good shot i will be able to drop whatever else i shoot with one shot. So now a box of 50 will last me quite a while. But i dont think i will be using it for range plinking, or yote hunting


New member
Some people report serious issues with copper fouling from the solid copper Barnes X bullets, including the TSX. I think that issue would be minimal in a premium barrel (smoother interior finish). There are issues with stabilizing the Barnes bullets due to their extra length (they are about 10-20% longer than lead core bullets). I have heard very positive things from the field regarding the X bullets, but for my money a Nosler works just as well (and it's cheaper).

If you hunt in some areas of California, you will have to use a non-lead bullet (thank you, Arnold), but there are several available on the market now, including ones from CT, Nosler, and Barnes.

Nice bull, Justin.


OK...the Hans bear referred to above. 22" skull, one shot about 250 yards, went in right at the shoulder joint diagonally and blew out at the kidney....again 165 TSX out of a 300 Ultramag Blaser R93. And that baby kicks too.

WildnicebearAlaska ™


New member
They may be good but not for the cost. My 06 likes Hornady BTBT. Never lost a deer with them and they don't go far when they're hit. From a rest I can make one hole groups with them all day long.


New member
Thanks for all the input. I'll probably stick to the cheap regular lead bullets until we get Kaliforniaized.


New member
Well I guess it's wheter or not they are worth it to you. I was looking for a load for my 270 that would be good for Deer and Elk. I settled on the 130 gr TSX. It took 30 rounds to get it right. Just under 3200 fps with a .6 inch group at 100 yards. I took my Elk with it last week at 150 yds. Hit was just behind the shoulder. He went less than 20 yds. When we cleaned him we found a 2.5 inch exit hole and it vaporized the lungs. They are sure worth it to me. I will be getting a new rifle for next year, probable something in a 7mm or 300 wsm, for longer range shooting. But I will still be using the TSX. I seated my load at .067 off the lands. Once your load is developed you have it for ever.


New member
My father and I started using them a couple of years ago and we love them. Amazing stopping power. every deer we have shot so far with them hasn't taken a step.