Barf'n icon... Little contest


New member
I just got back from a bit of a hiatus. One of the first changes (among many - good job admin!) that I've noticed is the addition of the Barfn' smiley icon. Boy I can't tell ya how cool I thought that was!

It expresses an entire range of opinions so well and was a really needed addition to the smiley icon page. BUT that wasn't what thrilled me so. I happen to know a little about that particular icon's history, can anyone tell me where that particular smiley came from and it's original name? First winner with a correct answer gets a prize!

(Let's see, don't have anything really good laying about that I can send ya, It'll just have to be a certificate in your e-mail that you can print out and hang up... Yeah, so I'm cheap - whaddya want fer nothin'? :barf: )

duck hunt

New member
Why, sure!

Name: Remorseful J. Smiley

Origin: He's the smiley pictured on the left...the next morning.



New member
Well, I don't know the answer to your question but I do remember when that little icon would crash this board from time to time.

Long Path

New member
[Long Path's mouse cursor perches over the "Lock Thread" icon. 1 oz of pressure is applied to a 1.15 oz left click button...]

Okay, yorec... what was it?


New member
I prefer the gun smilies
to the barfin' smilies
. They say more that just being sick.


Does this make it gun related?


New member
Ya offend me Longpath! Isn't discussing the origin of TFL's artwork related to TFL?

All right, All right. I didn't really expect anyone to get this, but didn't dare offer a good prize cause there just might be someone out there who could lookup one of those old time appearances that HankL remembers and check the link that the icon rode in on. If you followed that link you'd find old "Pukey" as I named him on a homepage I set up a couple years ago. Yep, and to go a step beyond that he came right from my harddrive, he was a file I created in the Paint program that comes with almost every new computer. (pounds chest sadistically) I drew him and thought it mighty cool he was picked up to be a permanent addtion to TFL.

(coughs weakly, too much chest pounding) Sorry, it probably struck me as more interesting than the rest of ya. :barf: :barf: :barf:


New member
Besides, got to see some of the new smiley stuff thats coming out! Thanks for the patience guys, and Longpath, I wasn't really offended, just being cheeky.

Off to other things - :D

MP Freeman

New member
The "drunk"


The "drool"


The "Bandaide" for offering support

:):[]:: )


PS How do you guys post those cool smileys?