Barf Alert! Clinton calls terror a U.S. debt to past


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Get out the airsick bags! Billy speaks!

Clinton calls terror a U.S. debt to past
By Joseph Curl

Bill Clinton, the former president, said yesterday that terror has existed in America for hundreds of years and the nation is "paying a price today" for its past of slavery and for looking "the other way when a significant number of native Americans were dispossessed and killed."

"Here in the United States, we were founded as a nation that practiced slavery, and slaves quite frequently were killed even though they were innocent," said Mr. Clinton in a speech to nearly 1,000 students at Georgetown University's ornate Gaston Hall.

"This country once looked the other way when a significant number of native Americans were dispossessed and killed to get their land or their mineral rights or because they were thought of as less than fully human.

"And we are still paying a price today," said Mr. Clinton, who was invited to address the students by the university's School of Foreign Service.

Mr. Clinton, wearing a gray suit and orange tie, arrived 45 minutes late for the event. Some students camped out overnight to obtain tickets. The former president, a member of the Jesuit university's Class of 1968, opened his 50-minute speech by thanking a former teacher.

"He never abandoned me over all these years, even though he did not succeed in convincing me to become a Jesuit," said Mr. Clinton, drawing laughter and then cheers from the almost entirely white crowd of students.

Mr. Clinton spoke from notes about the world after September 11. He sought to dispel fears of terrorism and "this anthrax business."

"I submit to you that we are now in a struggle for the soul of the 21st century and the world in which you students will live to raise your own children and make your own way," he said.

Mr. Clinton said the international terrorism that has only just reached the United States dates back thousands of years.

"In the first Crusade, when the Christian soldiers took Jerusalem, they first burned a synagogue with 300 Jews in it and proceeded to kill every woman and child who was a Muslim on the Temple Mount. I can tell you that story is still being told today in the Middle East and we are still paying for it."

Mr. Clinton said America needs to pay more attention to its enemies and to the way the United States is viewed by the rest of the world.

"There are a lot of people that see the world differently than we do. It is quite important that we do more to build the pool of potential partners in the world and to shrink the pool of potential terrorists. And that has nothing to do with fighting, but that has to do with what else we do.

"This is partly a Muslim issue, because there is a war raging within Islam. We need to reach out and engage the Muslim world in a debate."

Mr. Clinton referred to stories in the media about some American citizens cheering the terrorist attacks and suspected mastermind Osama bin Laden.

"This debate is going on all over America. We've got to stop pretending this isn't out there," he said.

Addressing matters of globalization, Mr. Clinton pondered the importance of such issues as technology, poverty, democracy, diversity, the environment, disease and terrorism.

"Here's how I think you ought to think about it," he said. "We cannot ignore the fact that we have vulnerability at home because of our interdependence."

The answer, Mr. Clinton said, is to spread freedom and democracy, reduce global poverty, forgive billions in debt, improve health care systems and encourage — even fund — education in developing countries.

"We ought to pay for these children to go to school — a lot cheaper than going to war," he said.

Perhaps most important, he said, is democracy.

"It's no accident that most of these terrorists come from non-democratic countries. If you live in a country where you're never required to take responsibility for yourself, where you never even have to ask whether there's something you should be doing to solve your own problems, then people are kept in kind of a permanent state of collective immaturity and it becomes quite easy for them to believe that someone else's success is the cause of their distress.

"We've got to defeat people who think they can find their redemption in our destruction. And then we have to be smart enough to get rid of our arrogant self-righteousness so that we don't claim for ourselves things we deny for others."

The former president, who left office just 10 months ago after an eight-year tenure, said the federal government is "woefully" lacking on several key terrorism-prevention areas.

"We need to strengthen our capacity to chase the money and get it, and we need some legislation on that," said Mr. Clinton, coincidentally on the same day President Bush, who has made freezing terrorist assets a "front" of his war on terrorism, announced the United States has moved to block the assets of 62 persons and groups associated with two financial networks linked to bin Laden.

"And one area where we are woefully lacking is the simple use of modern computer tech to track people that come into this country," he said.

While he criticized "the governmental capacity" now, he said "we all must support our current government in whatever decision they make."

"This is not a perfect society but it is stumbling in the right direction," he said.

At the end of his speech, Mr. Clinton — who was impeached for lying under oath about a sexual relationship with a 21-year-old White House intern — said the entire issue revolves around "the nature of truth."

"This battle fundamentally is about what you think about the nature of truth," he said, noting that God has imposed on us the inability to ever know "the whole truth."

He also championed women's rights in Afghanistan, saying the reason "you see all those sanctimonious guys beating those women with sticks" is because the country's rulers demand strict adherence to the rules.

Students crowded around to shake the former president's hand after his speech. There were no detractors in the crowd, despite the fact that the university newspaper in September 1998 called on Mr. Clinton, then mired in scandal, to resign.

"The American public," the Hoya said in a 1998 editorial, "has forgotten that international and domestic terrorism requires a proactive defense plan. Terrorists must be caught before they strike, and we must remember that those strikes always come when our head is turned toward other matters."

I am speechless...


New member
Jebus, why won't that has-been traitor STFU?

Someone needs to pimp slap him, and tell him, "You are now irrelevant! Shut up, and sit still!"


Bottom Gun

New member
I can't believe that people actually pay him to listen to more of his drivel.

Slaves? Indians? How stupid does he think we are?

"This is partly a Muslim issue, because there is a war raging within Islam. We need to reach out and engage the Muslim world in a debate."

Debate? Those wackos killed thousands of our people and this d**ksmoker thinks we should debate with them?

I think I'm losing it !

:barf: :barf:

Payette Jack

New member
So, in 3 or 4 generations if one of the descendents of one of the victims at Waco kills one of Billy Jeff's descendents, we'll all be OK with that, right?

After all, there's a debt to be paid.........


New member
In the first Crusade, when the Christian soldiers took Jerusalem, they first burned a synagogue with 300 Jews in it and proceeded to kill every woman and child who was a Muslim on the Temple Mount. I can tell you that story is still being told today in the Middle East and we are still paying for it.
Soldiers from exactly WHAT branch of the United States armed forces were involved in the First Crusade?

They MUST have been ours, as no rational person could blame us - make us pay - if they weren't.

This man is losing it. He belongs in a padded room with plenty of Prozac or Thorazine.


New member
"Terrorists must be caught before they strike, and we must remember that those strikes always come when our head is turned toward other matters."


Seems like I remember this man had HIS head turned toward other matters, like where to stick his cigar, than noticing what terrorists were doing.


New member
"'We need to strengthen our capacity to chase the money and get it, and we need
some legislation on that," said Mr. Clinton, coincidentally on the same day
President Bush, who has made freezing terrorist assets a "front" of his war on
terrorism, announced the United States has moved to block the assets of 62
persons and groups associated with two financial networks linked to bin Laden."

Good idea. Let's start with that "China connection" and those pardons.


New member
Clinton's right about one thing . . .

Past US actions -- or lack of actions -- are the immediate cause of the 11 September tragedies. And Bill Clinton is personally responsible for such ineffectiveness!

When fundamentalist Arab/Islamic terrorists bomb US embassies, warships and barracks and the President of the US essentially does nothing, he is encouraging even greater outrages and even more horrific losses of US lives. This is not a difficult concept to understand; bullies respect strength and prey on weakness. When repeatedly during the Clinton Administration Americans were murdered -- frequently while in the service of our nation -- by state-sponsored terrorists and the US issued nasty diplomatic notes, fired a few Tomahawks, and/or empanelled a "blue ribbon" commission, we clearly advised the terrorists (and their allies) that we were willing to accept the massacre of American without meaningful retaliation. That is the proximate cause of 11 September, and Bill Clinton is guilty of gross malfeasance in office -- among a variety of other sins and crimes.

The American people share this blame; we twice elected a long-term, proven coward, traitor and sexual predator to be our President. Can we reasonably be surprised when he acts with cravenly expedience that leads to grave and enduring difficulties?


New member
Maybe Slick Willy could ride the next Daisy Cutter delivery down to "debate" with Osama? Would Slick count as a pig product for the purposes of them going to Paradise?



New member
Regarding the Crusades, how does something that happened around 1099 AD have to do with the events of 09/11/01?

And why would Muslims care what happened to the Jews? Probably the least of their concerns. So, how is that relevant to 09/11?

Clinton apparently did not mention that Islam went on campaign of conquest that took them all the way into Christian France. Most of Christian Spain was occupied by the Muslims starting around the 7th Century until the last of them was defeated in 1492.

Most conquered people might be given two choices. The sword or convert to Islam. It was until much later that Islam became more tolerant of Christians. That is until the Seljuk Turk Muslims and overthrew the Arab Muslims in the Middle East.

This is what started the Crusades. The Seljuks harrassed and slaughtered Christian pilgrims to Palestine and the Holy Land. The Seljuks would disembowel Christians and slit their entrails open looking for swallowed coins and gems.

It is estimated that at the onset there were 150,000 members of the first great Crusade. Only 30,000 survived to storm Jerusalem. They were probably in a very bad mood and most likely could not tell a Muslim from a Jew. Payback time.


New member
Its OFFICIAL Clinton HATES America!

about the muslims invading spain & france. I read in a transcript of Bin Laden's second to last p.r. release he said something to the effect that "We will not let what happen to (*****) happen to Palestine" (*****) being the Moorish word for spain. I guess they're still pissed about getting driven from spain :rolleyes:


Moderator Emeritus
...the nation is "paying a price today" for its past of slavery and for looking "the other way when a significant number of native Americans were dispossessed and killed."

If that's the way the world worked, there wouldn't be a nation today that wouldn't be "paying a price" for some past misbehavior or another. Heck, even Switzerland would be "paying a price" for contributing to the instability of 15th century Europe by hiring mercenaries out to every tinpot claimant to every two-bit throne with a couple of ducats to rub together...

This country once looked the other way when a significant number of native Americans were dispossessed and killed to get their land or their mineral rights or because they were thought of as less than fully human.

Actually, it was because the folks who wanted the land and mineral rights in question were pretty sure that the native Americans had fewer guns than they did, regardless of their humanity. Let that be a lesson...

Mr. Clinton said the international terrorism that has only just reached the United States dates back thousands of years.
"In the first Crusade, when the Christian soldiers took Jerusalem, they first burned a synagogue with 300 Jews in it and proceeded to kill every woman and child who was a Muslim on the Temple Mount. I can tell you that story is still being told today in the Middle East and we are still paying for it."

If this is payback for the crusades, how come the planes didn't fly into Big Ben and the Eiffel Tower? There weren't a whole lot of American knights in the army of Richard the Lion-Hearted, Billy. Or didn't they teach you that in college?

The answer, Mr. Clinton said, is to spread freedom and democracy, reduce global poverty, forgive billions in debt, improve health care systems and encourage — even fund — education in developing countries.
"We ought to pay for these children to go to school — a lot cheaper than going to war," he said.

Hey, Billy, you pay for the kids in Backwoodistan and Upper Revolta to go to school if you're so hot on the topic, okay? Most of us taxpaying Americans are having a hard enough time springing the long green to super-size our value meals after you spent eight years pillaging our wallets for every dimwit social program your three-bong-hit socialist advisors could dream up. Maybe if we could just get Palestinian kids into a good midnight basketball program, they wouldn't feel the need to join the PLO... :rolleyes:

"And one area where we are woefully lacking is the simple use of modern computer tech to track people that come into this country," he said.
While he criticized "the governmental capacity" now, he said "we all must support our current government in whatever decision they make."

You just knew he was gonna take a leak on the Bill of Rights in a speech this long, didn't you?

At the end of his speech, Mr. Clinton — who was impeached for lying under oath about a sexual relationship with a 21-year-old White House intern — said the entire issue revolves around "the nature of truth."
"This battle fundamentally is about what you think about the nature of truth," he said, noting that God has imposed on us the inability to ever know "the whole truth."

Hey, Billy, you wouldn't know the "nature of truth" if it was spelled out in 12-foot neon letters in front of you.

Boy, Slick Willy sure still can entertain, can't he?


New member
"In the first Crusade, when the Christian soldiers took Jerusalem, they first burned a synagogue with 300 Jews in it and proceeded to kill every woman and child who was a Muslim on the Temple Mount. I can tell you that story is still being told today in the Middle East and we are still paying for it."
So when the Crusaders pillaged Asia/Arabia 700 years before the creation of the United States, we were to blame and now need to be punished.

I think it is now SICK Willie.


New member
This 'man' HAS no shame

It's clear this man has no shame and will say ANYTHING to the crowd he is in front of if he thinks it will gain himself some advantage. :mad:

Since he's badmouthing Christians, maybe he should bring up some of the misdeeds committed by Muslims throughout the centuries. Seems to me they invaded Europe themselves - Spain, Sicily, France, etc. Weren't the Ottoman Turks Muslims???
What hotspot in the world today DOESN'T involve the Muslims in some way?!?! Aren't they the ones who need to move forward and out of the past? Sheesh! :barf:


New member
It's unwittingly obliging of Mr. Clinton to keep reminding us just what a despicable little creep he is, and how utterly unsuited he ever was to the presidency, lest we forget even for a moment.


New member
Clean up on aisle 8

The mixture of arrogance and stupidity in this stool sample makes me want to set my own hair on fire.

I live for the day that the great kharmic wheel comes full circle and
and all the powers of the universe use Willie's testicles for an eternal game of hand-ball. (and may his wife be reincarnated as a colostomy bag!)


New member
In order to truly express how I feel about Bubba I would have to use language that would get me removed from this board!:mad:
He is the biggest filthbag in the history of the republic!:barf:


New member
Bill Clinton is a politician in the purest and most vile sense of the the term. He holds no values or principles beyond his own self-agrandizement.

He offered the examples of slavery and native Americans in his speech; he could have spoken to far more brutal examples of the slaughter of innocents by the "civilized" countries of Europe in the eras preceding 1792. That, however, would not have played well with his audience, who want to flog themselves because they have been blessed to have been born in a country and at a time when they don't have to suffer physically, and whose internal conflicts revolve around questions of frappe' versus latte'.

To anyone who has given even a moment's thought to the Clinton administration's response to bin Laden and other terrorist organizations, it's perfectly clear that they didn't give a damn. Theirs was an administration that governed by public relations experts, not military or diplomatic.

Clinton wanted his legacy, and he has it. And he'll spend the next twenty years trying to redefine what that legacy really was ("is").

The Potowanami casino here has been booking some entertainers who should have had the good graces to hang it up years ago. Look for Mr. Clinton to be doing a karaoke
schtick in about seven years.

G'bye, Willie.