Barbara Streisand interview w/ Walters


New member
Just read excerpts from Barbara Streisand's interview with Barbara Walters in which she proclaims that George Bush is a demon from hell who will send this country back to the dark ages, flinging Fire and Brimstone while he gleefully destroys the country. Ok, maybe I am paraphrasing here a bit, but I wish to share a couple particular quotes, this one regarding the impending appointments to the supreme court:

"I shudder when I think of how a more conservative court could put at risk all the things we hold dear: our civil rights, women's rights, disability rights, privacy rights, consumer rights, workers' rights and reproductive rights."

Wow, you know I support some of what she says here. I too don't want to loose my civil rights, or my right to privacy.

But then later in the article she says this:

"Look at what they've given Texas. It's true, the great state of Texas under the leadership of George W. Bush has ranked first in many things: (excerpted)…FIRST IN NUMBER OF GUN SHOWS..(excerpted, caps added)

"This is what George W. Bush did for Texas as Governor. Just think what he could do for America as President.

Wait a second Babs, didn't you just proclaim yourself for civil rights? I personally belive that those rights enumerated in the constitution, including the second amendment, are part of my civil rights. I'm sure if given the chance she would have spouted off about registration of guns, or some other BS. What about a right to privacy? Or should that only be given out in certain cases? What about consumer rights? Shouldn't I have the right to buy any gun that I want? Thank God I don't live in Mass. People like this, spreading FUD really piss me off.

Almost forgot, here is a link to the article:

[This message has been edited by RCS (edited October 31, 2000).]


New member
She can line up with the rest of them and rot in Hell. This is a perfect example of the Eliteist attitude, "good for me, not for you".

CMOS :mad:

NRA? Good. Now join the GOA!

CMOS's Site

Mike in VA

New member
My favorite Baaabaa story is about the house in Malibu she donated to some environmentalist group (not that there's anything wrong with that -). The grounds were extensively and exquisitely landscaped (money being no object to the diva), but it turned out that it took so mouch water to maintain the grounds that the environmental group couldn't afford to run it and had to sell it. Malibu, like much of SoCal, is a desert climate. So much for an environmental/conservationist ethic. Truly an ignorant, elitist b*tch, she should stay in NYC with the rest of 'em, they're easier to watch that way. M2


New member
Walters would have elicited more rational responses if she'd interviewed an intellectually-challenged chicken.


New member
Aren't we fortunate to have so many actors out there who will keep the public imformed with their knowledge about any, and every, subject? How did they get so smart? We, the general public, would not have a clue how to vote if it wasn't for people like B.S. It's just too bad that the "hooked on TV" public believes many of the "Hollywood Left".

They believe the people who make a living by pretending to be someone they are not.

Kinda like Gore.


New member
I like the story that I had heard in Beaufort, South Carolina from a tour guide about Barbara Streisand and her stay in the town. Apparently, she was in the town for filming some scenes of 'The Prince of Tides' (where actors can stay in locals homes when in the area while filming) in 1990 or '91.
The Commander of the Marine Air Station at Parris Island (which is close to the town) received a call from Ms. Streisand, where she complained of the noise generated by the overflights from the base aircraft that had woken her up at the hour of 7AM. She asked the commander if he could delay flights over the home she was staying until 10 AM or noon for her, and she received a simple 'no' from the commander.
And the next day, as well as every day that she was there, Barbara received a prompt 7AM flyover of the home she was in, compliments of the U.S. Marines. It's just too bad that the Corps did not do something nastier, like kick in their afterburners as well.

Apple a Day

New member
Exactly why in the He!! do people listen to actors? I am continuously baffled by this phenomenon. I know of very few who have a college degree and they are FAKE FOR A LIVING!!! I generalize but c'mon! They day I look to O'Donnel, Streisand, or Decaprio for advice is the day I take myself out of the gene pool, towel off, and pedal my bike home.

Those who use arms well cultivate the Way and keep the rules.Thus they can govern in such a way as to prevail over the corrupt- Sun Tzu, The Art of War


New member
ModIMark0: thanks for that story. I hadn't heard it, but it sums up very well that attitude of these elitists. Very similar to the attitude of a hotshot symphony conductor we had here who demanded that the harbor commission turn off the foghorns. They were breaking his concentration, you see. What's a few sailor's lives compared to Mozart?

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