Bank allows Concealed Carry

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New member
Maybe there is hope for civilization after all. I've all ways said if "carry" was more freely available, crooks wouldn't know if no one's armed, if some one's armed or everyone's armed. "Take a guess Punk" ;)


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They must not have the 'right' lawyers....

This is the road block I see always... once you ask a lawyer if you can do something like allow concealed carry they will tell you no....


New member
Pretty smart for the bank (or any business containing cash or valuables) to do that, it would seem to me. Hopefully it would make the BG think twice about the wisdom of engaging in a holdup.
I haven't seen any banks here in Texas that don't allow concealed carry. While there may be some, they must be few and far between. A buddy of mine works with vaults and deals with numerous banks and to date he hasn't serviced any where they had posted 30.06.


New member
I have a good bank. They allow concealed carry and also hand out popcorn.

My problem is trying to figure which is the better deal.


New member
I don't think the point is that the bank allows concealed carry on their premises. Many, maybe most, do that. The point is it encourages it. It is not a passive stance, but an active one. That is to be applauded, I think.
Technically, the bank could allow open carry inside of its premises. It is private property and so they could make that happen, but folks would have to be concealed entering and exiting. So open carry inside would be rather pointless.


New member
I like the idea, saw it on HLN this morning. Score one for 2nd Amendment supporters. I imagine everybody on the staff was packing heat anyway, so why not let the customers bring 'em in. We're whittlin' away at the anti-gun notion, folks! Times are definitely changing, legal gun owners aren't being seen as trigger happy Yosemite Sam types anymore. Bet if enough banks start to follow this example, we'll see a plunge in bank robberies! After all, it's our money the criminals are stealing to begin with.


New member
So does S.C. for a while and pretty much still now...

most places... banks included, will have a sign posted but it will not meet the letter of the law... our S.C. gun rights group, Grassroots, could not stop the signage part of the concealed carry law... and I guess folks do have a right to not allow it in their businesses... so the thing S.C. grassroots did was 'help' with the signage law and made the legal sign as butt ugly as possible.


New member
The Peoples Bank in Missouri welcomes concealed carry holders. They have a sign that says they Concealed carry holders are permitted and they support the constitution and believe the 2nd amendment is an inalienable right. I saw the sign and opened an account on the spot.


New member
I use several of the banks in my town and only one I know of has a sign posted and it is only a 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper without the proper wording and posted on a bulletin to side of the door not really noticable. It also has the circle and bar stick on on the door. Neither is legally binding and neither says anything about licensed carriers. I think the point of the OP was that Chappell Hill Bank is welcoming rather than allowing legally armed patrons. Good to see such support for 2A.
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