Ban Fishing! Too dangerous!


New member
Giant Swordfish Impales Man

ACAPULCO, Mexico (Reuters) - A giant swordfish hooked off the Mexican coast jumped into the fisherman's boat and stabbed the man through his abdomen, a hospital spokesman says.

Dr. David Mendoza Millan of the General Hospital in the Pacific resort of Acapulco said Jose Rojas Mayarita, 39, was reeling in the 10-foot marlin on Saturday when the fish leaped from the waves and landed on him.

The marlin's spear pierced the fisherman's abdomen and came out the other side. Rojas drifted for two days in his boat, unable to get up, until another vessel rescued him.

He was treated on Monday and was under observation in hospital.

Mark King

New member
OK OK, they guy's gonna live... What happened to the fish? I hope that the good Dr. got to keep his catch. Would be a hell of a trophy after what he had to go through to boat it.. Mark / Fl


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by C.R.Sam:
Obviously poor shot placement on the part of the swordfish, more practice needed. :)


God, Guns and Guts made this country a great country!


New member
Shortly before the incident the Swordfish, according to bystanders, was quoted as saying “It’s pay-back time MF!” ;)



New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Well, I guess the fish got his point across.[/quote]

You shouldn't make such cutting remarks! ;)


"Is there anything wrong with a woman preferring the dignity of an armed citizen? I don't like to be coddled and I don't like to be treated like a minor child. So I waive immunity and claim my right -- I go armed." -- Longcourt Phyllis in Beyond This Horizon by Robert Heinlein


New member
Now watch, the guy will be found to not have an appropriate license and will be sentenced to life without parole and the fish's punishment will get knocked down to 120 days at Sea World.

Something mighty fishy about the current maritime judicial system.




New member
It's time for Fish Control, Inc., to step in, for the children. The Right to Keep and Bear Fish was fine when all we were talking about was trout and river bass, but no one needs an assault fish.




New member
Ledbetter, I am sure the guvment would be happy to do a sword swap. You know, have the fish come in, and cut their swords off in exchange for a more politically correct bright red rubber ball that has "I hate my right to survival" printed on it.

Or if not that, simple exchange the sword for a free copy of Oprah's next Book Club book.

Or if they really wanted to do it up, they could hand out buckets of Rosie's sweat that was mopped off her chair after an episode. I am sure the Marlins would love to have a personal supply of near pure sodium...who says the ocean isn't salty enough? Pour that stuff in! Salt for Swords -- catchy isn't it?



New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ledbetter:
It's time for Fish Control, Inc., to step in, for the children. The Right to Keep and Bear Fish was fine when all we were talking about was trout and river bass, but no one needs an assault fish.



Isn't that the Right to Carp and Bass Fish?




New member
This reminds me of an article I read a few (actually quite a few) years ago of a similar mishap with fatal results.

Somewhere in Asia or SE Asia, some fishermen were netting fish from boats. One of the common species in that area is garfish. You know, long narrow snout with rows of small sharp teeth. Well, one, while being pulled in, jumped up and raked one fisherman across the neck cutting into the jugular. Since they were out in the boonies, the trip to help was lengthy and the fisherman lost his life.

- Ron V.


New member

How long you been waitin' to spring that picture on us? Dang, I wish my tuna had a bayonet lug. Had to grind it down to mount my Sure-fire.



New member
dz, that get up must have set you back to the tuna couple hunnert dollars!


"Hanging is too good for a man who makes puns; he should be drawn and quoted." -- Fred Allen


New member
things get fishy around here on a regular basis so i am all was packing some pre ban tuna


i talked to a buddy whos a semi pro marlin fisherman. He said this happens from time to time. He said one guy was netting bait at night with a light when a swordfish rushed the bait fish, breached the surface at the boat and nailed the guy with the net.



New member
Knowing how tolerant Mexico is of things weapon related, if Mr.Rojas keeps the spear I'm sure he will be charged as a salt with a dead weapon.