Ban Ammunition/Gun/Parts Sales to SF Agencies

Gary H

New member
How about an Email campaign hitting major ammunition/gun/parts suppliers to San Francisco police and ask that they don't sell to any SF agency?

Gary H

New member
Best Way to Proceed

I'd like to keep this thread on topic. Do we best ask the NRA to mount a campaign, or do we put together a list of company CEOs and Email addresses, or is this just a bad idea?


I'm with you, Gary -- it's time to stop pulling our punches.

Let's show EVERYONE that we MEAN IT when we say we have a right to keep and bear arms. We mean it so bad that we will do whatever is in our power to make those who would stand behind a ban on our rights suffer for it, as they should.

If people (leftist deadbrains) want to claim they believe in the good of gun bans, and don't believe that guns have positive uses, let's see how they like it when their police can't use them.



New member
it's unforunate that the cops on the street would be negatively affected, but the paper-pushing bureaucrats wouln't be affected at all.
All too often, it's the administrative types in their self-righteous towers, looking down on the rest of us, that are pushing for this nonsensical crap.

There has to be a way to make the point, negatively affect those responsible, and still equip the cop on the street.

OTOH, if the street cops are affected, they may put pressure, through their unions, on the bureaucrats to shut up.

Complicated issue. No easy solution.

Gary H

New member
There has to be a way to make the point, negatively affect those responsible, and still equip the cop on the street.

I doubt that we could force compliance with a ban on sales to SF departments. At best, we might get some manufacturers to help out. If you want to punish the people responsible, then punish the residence of SF. Start a tourism boycott. Even a small drop in tourism would greatly hurt the city and the message to the people in charge would be clear.


New member
There is somthing you want from SF

"There's NOTHING!!! in SF that I need or want"

Like every place that guns were outlawed, you want the records of the increase in crime to show how stupid they are.
And at the same time shove it into there faces the ammount of crime thats gone down sine states have made it easer to own guns.
Just one more reasion that it would be a good thing to have CA fall into the sea.
I know lets start a campain to make CA a seperat country. Or part of Mexaco

Gary H

New member
There's NOTHING!!! in SF that I need or want.

Perhaps that is a better approach to fighting this, but how do we promote this idea? At least with firearms/ammunition manufacturers we can post names and Emails and suggest that they cut off SF. Promoting a SF boycott takes big bucks and organization.


San Fran is a dying city, anyway.

The cost of a 1500 square foot home is over $500,000. The city has the lowest ratio of children to adults of any city in the US. The school system is having trouble keeping enough kids in town to justify all the teachers and social workers on payroll.

There is nothing to attract young couples like my girlfriend and me to move there. Even our market-inflated home in a booming AZ town couldn't buy us a townhome in San Fran.

The city will either die or become a kind of migrant-gay mecca with a very depressed population than what it has now.

Unless it turns its business plan around and tries to attract families somehow.

I don't see that happening, though.


Hasta La Vista, San Francisco!!

Maybe the city of San Francisco follows in the footsteps of the SF 49ers...

Sounds like SF is a place for billionaires to live - $500K+ for a 3BR 2 bath bungalow? No, thanks! With housing prices like that, someday there will be no one living there except for billionaires in their golden towers and street people; not a recipie for success as a city.

The sooner SF goes down the tubes, the better; let the liberal/leftist social engineers run it into the ground - it will be a shining example of how not to manage a city...:D


What will be accomplished by not selling guns, ammo or parts to SFPD?:confused:

Why punish, (sorta), the cops for the way the citizens voted? Whats the point and what does impacting the PD have to do with RKBA?

Is this just the city of SF? So all the suburban towns and villages are unaffected, right, or is it a county thing?


New member

Barret did this unilaterally to CA.
The LEOs in SF are already being punished since the BGs know they can't carry off duty. Glad I'm not one of them.


I'd love to see Glock Beretta, Ruger and all the other named defendants in the (some city) vs. (all the gun makers) lawsuits that came up a couple of years go... see them put an embargo on the city of San Francisco.

If they can't get Glocks, Sigs, Berettas, HK's, Rugers, Smiths, etc... they wouldn't have a reliable sidearm to use for law enforcement.

Then Federal, Remington, Winchester and all ammo makers not sell to them.


New member
The city has the lowest ratio of children to adults of any city in the US.

This is because two men cannot have children. :eek:

But about the original idea of the thread, attacking the LEO's will do nothing, except disarm more SF residents.

The nra or who ever wishes to take the cost of some sort of boycott have to attack people interested in visiting SF.


New member
"How about an Email campaign hitting major ammunition/gun/parts suppliers to San Francisco police and ask that they don't sell to any SF agency?"

I, for one, think that is an excellent idea.

I know that, for the short term at least, the poor LEO's will suffer, which is regrettable. But one thing to keep in mind about that is that those same LEO's carry quite a bit of political capital with the local government. And if the police aren't happy, the pols can't just ignore them like they do with the run-of-the-mill peons like us. After all, the pols rely on the credibility of LEO deterrence for security, so if that credibility is lessened the voting public is liable to revolt at the ballot box, seeing as how they (the peons, that is) won't be able to protect themselves -- and that ballot box revolt would be a good thing.


New member
"But about the original idea of the thread, attacking the LEO's will do nothing, except disarm more SF residents."

I disagree. It forces the hand of at least one very powerful special interest group, a special interest group that the political powers that be just CAN'T ignore.

It is called "Playing Political Hardball".

Folks, it is time for the gloves to come off.


"...those same LEO's carry quite a bit of political capital with the local government."

You are kidding, right? They cannot strike and they dont produce revenue, so in most places the cops rate somewhere below dogcatcher for political clout, no matter what the FOP wants you to believe.

How many of you are from San Francisco? And enough with the gay cracks, every city in the country has a gay population, so what.


New member
"There's NOTHING!!! in SF that I need or want."

Agreed -- I neither want nor need anything there.

But, OTOH, what goes on there is nonetheless important -- it sets political and legal precedents that other jurisdictions will almost certainly follow. It is another falling domino, another step down that slippery slope that leads to defacto elimination of RKBA for us all -- not just for those fruitcakes in SF. It would be just fine with me if SF were to completely secede, or were to break off in an earthquake and fall into the ocean. But the political world just doesn't work that way, at least not while SF is still a part of the US.


New member
"You are kidding, right? They cannot strike and they dont produce revenue, so in most places the cops rate somewhere below dogcatcher for political clout, no matter what the FOP wants you to believe."

No, I'm not kidding. Not at all. You are demonstrating your political, er, naivety. If the cops ain't happy, nobody's happy. The cops WILL have the ear of the people, especially a voting, unarmed people, and the pols know that. If the people are being told to call 911 when they are in trouble, and the same people know that they can't rely on the cops' response, then the pols who have set that up are in HEEP DEEP DOO-DOO. It is just that typically the cops are just effective enough to lend credence to the pol's line of BS. And as long as they are doing that job, then they actually will be that far down the food chain. You let the cops get unhappy, and the crime rate gets even that much worse with that much less response, and that will go right down the toilet. Especially when the public is being kept informed about just WHY all of this is happening to them. And that is the other thing that has to happen -- the public must be informed as to what is really going on...

BTW -- why do you think that local pols are so interested in getting police/firefighers unions' endorcement come election time? Because it carrys a WHOLE LOT OF WEIGHT with the voting public, that's why. I've seen that be a really big political factor in local elections in Houston. Don't discount the political clout of the FOP and other law enforcement orgs, especially when crime starts getting out of control and the police start feeling the pinch for hardware. They'll scream bloody murder, and the public WILL listen.